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High-Performance Computing Programming with Ease
From ACM Careers

High-Performance Computing Programming with Ease

Alan Edelman leads the global, open-source collaborative development of "Julia," a powerful but flexible programming language for high performance computing.

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley
From ACM Opinion

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley

The popular recipe for creating the "next" Silicon Valley goes something like this:

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...

Keeping Track of Time in Cyber-Physical Systems
From ACM Careers

Keeping Track of Time in Cyber-Physical Systems

The U.S. National Science Foundation has announced a five-year, $4 million award to tackle the challenge of time in cyber-physical system.

Robot Serves as Security Officer
From ACM Careers

Robot Serves as Security Officer

Bob, a robot from the University of Birmingham, has joined the workforce of a security services firm as a trainee security officer on a three week trial.

Who's Using Your Data?
From ACM Careers

Who's Using Your Data?

Researchers at MIT are developing a protocol they call "HTTP with Accountability" (HTTPA) which will automatically monitor the transmission of private data and...

Is Tony Fadell the Next Steve Jobs or ... the Next Larry Page?
From ACM Careers

Is Tony Fadell the Next Steve Jobs or ... the Next Larry Page?

In the late 1990s a young entrepreneur named Tony Fadell tried to persuade Stewart Alsop, a journalist who had recently become a venture capitalist, to invest in...

Analog Engineers: Too Few or Too Many?
From ACM Careers

Analog Engineers: Too Few or Too Many?

After years spent encouraging engineering students to focus on software and digital electronics, some people say the day of reckoning appears to be drawing near...

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer
From ACM News

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer

If Hewlett-Packard founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard are spinning in their graves, they may be due for a break.

Grit Better Than Gre at Predicting Success in Stem Fields
From ACM Careers

Grit Better Than Gre at Predicting Success in Stem Fields

Selecting graduate students into STEM fields based on an assessment of their character rather than relying heavily on GRE test scores would significantly improve...

Computer Program Aims to Teach Itself Everything About Anything
From ACM Careers

Computer Program Aims to Teach Itself Everything About Anything

Computer scientists from the University of Washington and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence have created a fully automated computer program that...

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens
From ACM Careers

Tiny Startup Completely Reinvents How We ­se Touchscreens

If you want a reminder of how far technology has come in the last decade, check out the YouTube clip of Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone to a room full of...

New Technology Aims to Rid World Cup of 'ghost Goals'
From ACM News

New Technology Aims to Rid World Cup of 'ghost Goals'

In 1966, British soccer legend Geoff Hurst booted a right-foot shot against Germany in the World Cup championship game.

Vermeer's Paintings Might Be 350-Year-Old Color Photographs
From ACM Opinion

Vermeer's Paintings Might Be 350-Year-Old Color Photographs

I was sitting in the bathtub in 2008 when I thought of a simple way Johannes Vermeer (Girl with a Pearl Earring) might have painted his photorealistic pictures...

Researchers Design Circuits Capable of Functioning at Extreme Temperatures
From ACM Careers

Researchers Design Circuits Capable of Functioning at Extreme Temperatures

Researchers at the University of Arkansas have designed integrated circuits that can survive at high temperatures and which could improve other devices which must...

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled
From ACM News

Ambitious Plans For Brain Project Unveiled

A working group of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) presented a ten-year plan for the agency's portion of a major neuroscience initiative announced last...

How to ­se Tech Like a Teenager
From ACM Opinion

How to ­se Tech Like a Teenager

Enough with complaining that young people these days are addicted to their phones. The question you should be asking is: What do they know that you don't?

New Study Finds Internet Not Responsible For Dying Newspapers
From ACM Careers

New Study Finds Internet Not Responsible For Dying Newspapers

Maybe the Internet didn't kill the traditional newspaper after all. A recently-published study finds that blaming the Internet for the decline of newspapers is...

Guarding Against 'Carmageddon' Cyberattacks
From ACM Careers

Guarding Against 'Carmageddon' Cyberattacks

The potential value of turning U.S. freeways into "smart transportation systems" is enormous. But they have a worrisome downside: They are vulnerable to cyberattacks...

Nasa Advanced Technology Phase I Concepts Selected
From ACM Careers

Nasa Advanced Technology Phase I Concepts Selected

NASA has selected 12 proposals, including three from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, for study under Phase I of the NASA Innovative Advanced...
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