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Keeping Secrets in a World of Spies and Mistrust
From ACM Careers

Keeping Secrets in a World of Spies and Mistrust

Recent developments in quantum cryptography show that privacy is possible despite the untrustworthiness of electronic devices.

Democratizing Data Visualization
From ACM Careers

Democratizing Data Visualization

An in-depth study on the use of Exhibit, a set of Web development tools that lets novice users quickly put together interactive data visualizations, will be presented...

Material's Magnetization Properties Suggest Storage Possibilities
From ACM Careers

Material's Magnetization Properties Suggest Storage Possibilities

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have found a way to magnetize strontium titanate using light, opening the possibility of using the material to store...

Cyber-Attacks Increase Leads to Jobs Boom
From ACM Careers

Cyber-Attacks Increase Leads to Jobs Boom

As the number and sophistication of cyber-attacks increase, so too does the demand for people who can prevent such digital incursions.

Which College—and Which Major—will Make You Richest?
From ACM Careers

Which College—and Which Major—will Make You Richest?

A Bachelor of Science from Harvey Mudd College, the small California science and engineering school, is the most valuable college degree in America.

The Virtual Genius of Oculus Rift
From ACM Careers

The Virtual Genius of Oculus Rift

To understand why Oculus Rift matters, it helps to know who John Carmack is.

Why Hr Departments Need to Hire It Specialists
From ACM CareerNews

Why Hr Departments Need to Hire It Specialists

Although a growing number of professionals understand both HR and IT, the overall numbers are still small, which means HR departments will be looking to hire more...

Building the Google of Blood, One Tube at a Time
From ACM News

Building the Google of Blood, One Tube at a Time

The first shipment arrives at 4 A.M.

Slideshow Outlines Cyberwar Training For Chinese Students
From ACM Careers

Slideshow Outlines Cyberwar Training For Chinese Students

Computer science students in China are exhorted to "shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding [China's] cyber sovereignty, and engage in the arduous task of...

NSF Grant Will Build Faster, More Efficient Supercomputer Prototype
From ACM Careers

NSF Grant Will Build Faster, More Efficient Supercomputer Prototype

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a $500,000 grant to researchers at Texas Tech University to develop a new supercomputer prototype that could...

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It
From ACM Careers

College Basketball Data Aplenty for Those Who Can Afford It

When Butler fell a precious few inches short of winning a national championship in 2010, its players took the court during that season believing they were the most...

5.1 Million Americans Have Security Clearances
From ACM Careers

5.1 Million Americans Have Security Clearances

Critics of the country's national security apparatus say Washington is addicted to secrecy.

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat
From ACM News

N.S.A. Breached Chinese Servers Seen as Security Threat

American officials have long considered Huawei, the Chinese telecommunications giant, a security threat, blocking it from business deals in the United States for...

Bioengineer Designs Diagnostic Microscope Costing Less Than $1
From ACM Careers

Bioengineer Designs Diagnostic Microscope Costing Less Than $1

It's an invention that would make TV's secret agent MacGyver proud: a fully functional microscope that can be assembled from folded paper and a tiny bead of glass...

Space Sunflower May Help Snap Pictures of Planets
From ACM Careers

Space Sunflower May Help Snap Pictures of Planets

A spacecraft that looks like a giant sunflower might one day be used to acquire images of Earth-like rocky planets around nearby stars.

The Brutal Ageism of Tech
From ACM Careers

The Brutal Ageism of Tech

"I have more botox in me than any ten people," Dr. Seth Matarasso told me in an exam room this February.

Computers Spot False Faces Better Than People
From ACM Careers

Computers Spot False Faces Better Than People

A joint study by researchers at the University of California San Diego and the University of Toronto has found that a computer system spots real or faked expressions...

Could Diamonds Be a Computer's Best Friend?
From ACM Careers

Could Diamonds Be a Computer's Best Friend?

For the first time, physicists have demonstrated that information can flow through a diamond wire. Their experiment reveals that diamond wires could one day be...

Revelations of N.s.a. Spying Cost ­.s. Tech Companies
From ACM News

Revelations of N.s.a. Spying Cost ­.s. Tech Companies

Microsoft has lost customers, including the government of Brazil.

Bot & Dolly and the Rise of Creative Robots
From ACM Careers

Bot & Dolly and the Rise of Creative Robots

Behind a small cafe in San Francisco's Potrero Hill neighborhood stands an unmarked warehouse where the future of human-machine interaction is taking shape.
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