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Mega-Bucks From Russia Seed Development of Big Data Tools
From ACM Careers

Mega-Bucks From Russia Seed Development of Big Data Tools

A Brookhaven physicist was awarded a 'mega-grant' by Russia to develop software and data management tools for large scientific datasets.

Vibration Energy the Secret to Self-Powered Electronics
From ACM Careers

Vibration Energy the Secret to Self-Powered Electronics

A multi-university team of engineers has developed what could be a promising solution for charging smartphone batteries on the go — without the need for an electrical...

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role
From ACM Opinion

Satya Nadella, Chief of Microsoft, on His New Role

Q. What leadership lessons have you learned from your predecessor, Steve Ballmer?

­.s. Dominance in Science Faces Asian Challenge
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Dominance in Science Faces Asian Challenge

Although the United States remains a powerhouse in knowledge- and technology-intensive industries, the country's predominance in science and technology is fading...

New Skills Are Needed to Work on Internet of Things
From ACM Careers

New Skills Are Needed to Work on Internet of Things

The market for the Internet of Things could create demand for IT specialists who can engineer new products and process the data they collect.

Bats Inspire 'micro Air Vehicle' Designs
From ACM Careers

Bats Inspire 'micro Air Vehicle' Designs

A Virginia Tech study of the inflight movement off fruit bats' wings may be applicable to the design of small flying vehicles.

Forget Its Hotels, Sochi's Tech Has Been ­p For the Olympic Challenge
From ACM Opinion

Forget Its Hotels, Sochi's Tech Has Been ­p For the Olympic Challenge

The scale and grandeur of the Winter Olympics in Sochi is estimated to have cost Russia an astronomical $46 billion.

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers
From ACM News

As Military Robots Increase, So Does the Complexity of Their Relationship With Soldiers

For a glimpse at the future of human-robot interactions, it might be better to look at what's happening in the United States military than analyzing Her, in which...

Visiting Mauna Kea, the World's Best Spot For Stargazing
From ACM News

Visiting Mauna Kea, the World's Best Spot For Stargazing

I was recently having lunch at a lovely and only slightly overpriced cafe overlooking the Pacific in the historic resort region of Kailua-Kona on the dry side of...

From ACM Opinion


It was a mild October day in Hollywood, but a trace of artificial snow remained on the ground as Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium, at...

Networking Nature
From ACM News

Networking Nature

Conservation is for the first time beginning to operate at the pace and on the scale necessary to keep up with, and even get ahead of, the planet’s most intractable...

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?
From ACM News

Can 'robotic' Pills Replace Injections?

The adage "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning" is destined for a futuristic makeover.

Virginia Tech to Design Framework For Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication
From ACM Careers

Virginia Tech to Design Framework For Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has been tapped to design the framework that will integrate vehicles into a communications network and allow them to...

Reporting From the Web's ­nderbelly
From ACM Careers

Reporting From the Web's ­nderbelly

In the last year, Eastern European cybercriminals have stolen Brian Krebs's identity a half dozen times, brought down his website, included his name and some unpleasant...

Netflix Is Building an Artificial Brain ­sing Amazon's Cloud
From ACM News

Netflix Is Building an Artificial Brain ­sing Amazon's Cloud

Nothing beats a movie recommendation from a friend who knows your tastes.

Nyc's Touchscreen Subway Maps Are Finally Here, and They're Amazing
From ACM News

Nyc's Touchscreen Subway Maps Are Finally Here, and They're Amazing

New York subway riders first were promised futuristic touchscreen wayfinding maps a year ago.

Single Chip Device to Provide Real-Time 3-D Images from Inside the Heart and Blood Vessels
From ACM Careers

Single Chip Device to Provide Real-Time 3-D Images from Inside the Heart and Blood Vessels

Researchers have developed the technology for a catheter-based device that would provide real-time, three-dimensional imaging from inside a human's heart, coronary...

Avalanche Science: ­ncovering Snow's Deadly Secrets
From ACM News

Avalanche Science: ­ncovering Snow's Deadly Secrets

Dr Alec Van Herwijnen has buried microphones under the deep snow in order to listen for avalanches.

How Airbus Is Debugging the A350
From ACM Careers

How Airbus Is Debugging the A350

A few times a month, Airbus Flight Test Engineer Patrick du Ché stands up from his desk, takes off his jacket and tie, walks to the coat rack in the corner of his...

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack
From ACM News

Obama's Big Plan to Protect Businesses from Cyberattack

It's been a long time coming, and some experts say it isn't enough.
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