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Pictures Make Sense of Big Data
From ACM Careers

Pictures Make Sense of Big Data

Most people have trouble recalling strings of numbers that are longer than their phone numbers. So how do we begin to comprehend a hundred rows of data, let alone...

Invention Jet Prints Nanostructures with Self-Assembling Material
From ACM Careers

Invention Jet Prints Nanostructures with Self-Assembling Material

A multi-institutional team of engineers has developed a new approach to the fabrication of nanostructures for the semiconductor and magnetic storage industries...

Security Tech Firms Hit Jackpot in Asia Casino Boom
From ACM Careers

Security Tech Firms Hit Jackpot in Asia Casino Boom

Asia's new mega-casinos are driving sales and innovation in advanced surveillance technology, from chips with built-in radio transmitters to high-definition, multi...

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status
From ACM Careers

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status

Tien Wu, chief operating officer of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, has a problem: the brightest young people in Taiwan do not want to work in the island’s...

E-Zpasses Get Read All Over New York (not Just at Toll Booths)
From ACM News

E-Zpasses Get Read All Over New York (not Just at Toll Booths)

After spotting a police car with two huge boxes on its trunk—that turned out to be license-plate-reading cameras—a man in New Jersey became obsessed with the loss...

As Demand For Big Data Analysts Grows, Schools Rush to Graduate Students with Necessary Skills
From ACM Careers

As Demand For Big Data Analysts Grows, Schools Rush to Graduate Students with Necessary Skills

Two or three of the students recently completed undergraduate degrees in finance or economics. Others hail from backgrounds in information technology or marketing...

Graphene Could Yield Cheaper Optical Chips
From ACM Careers

Graphene Could Yield Cheaper Optical Chips

Researchers show that graphene — atom-thick sheets of carbon — could be used in photodetectors, devices that translate optical signals to electrical.

Grand Theft Auto V Lives ­p to Hype, Steals Its Car, Sets House on Fire
From ACM Opinion

Grand Theft Auto V Lives ­p to Hype, Steals Its Car, Sets House on Fire

I'm trying to put into words how difficult a situation it is attempting to summarize my thoughts on a game that I've only been playing for two weeks when I know...

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator
From ACM Careers

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator

Days before I was to meet Battushig Myanganbayar at his home in Mongolia, he sent me an e-mail with a modest request: Would I bring him a pair of tiny XBee wireless...

The '50-50' Chip: Memory Device of the Future?
From ACM Careers

The '50-50' Chip: Memory Device of the Future?

A new electronic alloy consisting of 50 aluminum atoms bound to 50 atoms of antimony may be promising for building next-generation "phase-change" memory devices...

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones
From ACM News

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones

Ex-U.S. Marine Ernest Langdon pulls a pin and throws a small black object onto the ground. But it doesn't explode.

In Silicon Valley Start-Up World, Pedigree Counts
From ACM Careers

In Silicon Valley Start-Up World, Pedigree Counts

When asked to name the most notable rags-to-riches entrepreneur that his firm has funded, venture capitalist Ben Horowitz doesn't hesitate: Christian Gheorghe,...

The Message Voyager 1 Carries For Alien Civilizations
From ACM Opinion

The Message Voyager 1 Carries For Alien Civilizations

The year was 1977.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Inside the Creative Process with Dan Houser
From ACM Opinion

Grand Theft Auto 5: Inside the Creative Process with Dan Houser

We're four days away now. After a year of pre-publicity and a five-year wait since GTA IV, the latest instalment in Rockstar's gangland opus is almost upon us.

Managing Multicore Memory
From ACM Careers

Managing Multicore Memory

MIT research shows that it may be time to let software, rather than hardware, manage the high-speed on-chip cache memory banks.

Crowdgrader Brings Crowdsourcing to the Task of Grading Homework
From ACM Careers

Crowdgrader Brings Crowdsourcing to the Task of Grading Homework

CrowdGrader, a new crowdsourcing tool developed by UC Santa Cruz computer scientists, allows students to submit their homework online and then distributes it anonymously...

Mars Rover Camera Invention Could Help Nasa Robots Explore Solo
From ACM News

Mars Rover Camera Invention Could Help Nasa Robots Explore Solo

Every second that a NASA rover roams across the surface of Mars is extremely expensive.

Intel's Extensive Makeover
From ACM Careers

Intel's Extensive Makeover

While Apple talked about a couple of new products on Tuesday, Intel, with much less fanfare, talked about the transformation of a world, and itself.

A Material's Multiple Personalities
From ACM Careers

A Material's Multiple Personalities

Materials, like people, sometimes exhibit "multiple personalities." This unusual behavior has compelled researchers at Argonne National Laboratory to take a closer...

Google and Edx Create a Mooc Site For the Rest of US
From ACM TechNews

Google and Edx Create a Mooc Site For the Rest of US

Google and edX, a nonprofit joint venture founded by Harvard and MIT, are collaborating to create, a spinoff website in which users can sign up for a massive...
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