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Different Kind of Leader Needed for the Virtual Workplace
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Different Kind of Leader Needed for the Virtual Workplace

Workers on virtual teams identify leaders in significantly different ways compared to members of in-person teams, new research says.

Are Companies More Productive in a Pandemic?
From ACM News

Are Companies More Productive in a Pandemic?

Many claim their employees are hyper efficient while working from home. But there are social and emotional costs to ambition in isolation.

Six Productivity Tips for Working From Home
From ACM Careers

Six Productivity Tips for Working From Home

Just 30% of workers say they are more productive working from home during the pandemic. A survey identified six tips that make remote employees efficient and effective...

Hands-On Research Experience Despite the Pandemic
From ACM Careers

Hands-On Research Experience Despite the Pandemic

Texas A&M adapted elements of the NSF's traditional Research Experiences for Undergraduates internships into a fully online program with no residence requirement...

Tech Companies Slam Trump's Executive Order Restricting H-1B Visas
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Tech Companies Slam Trump's Executive Order Restricting H-1B Visas

Silicon Valley is pushing back against President Donald Trump's latest immigration curbs, this time including L-1 and H-1B visa programs that tech companies use...

Amber Boehnlein Will Lead Lab's Computational Sciences Division
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Amber Boehnlein Will Lead Lab's Computational Sciences Division

Amber Boehnlein will lead Jefferson Lab's new Computational Sciences and Technology Division, which brings computer scientists, software developers, and system...

World Ranking of Top Computer Scientists in 2020
From ACM Careers

World Ranking of Top Computer Scientists in 2020

The sixth annual ranking of top scientists in computer science and electronics lists 1,000 leading experts in different countries, as well as within different universities...

Challenge Yourself by Reaching for the Highest Bar
From Communications of the ACM

Challenge Yourself by Reaching for the Highest Bar

"Challenge yourself and reach for the highest bar. If you succeed, keep pushing the boundaries," my friend advised when I started my career at IBM Research. These...

The Dawn of 2020 Was a Boom Time for Tech Salaries
From ACM TechNews

The Dawn of 2020 Was a Boom Time for Tech Salaries

Technology occupations saw across-the-board wage increases in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. last year, according to Hired's 2020 State of Salaries Report.

College Will Host Summer Career Academy on Zoom
From ACM Careers

College Will Host Summer Career Academy on Zoom

Grossmont College is hosting a summer career academy for students next month via Zoom.

Missouri S&T Offers Programming Boot Camps for Engineers and Professionals
From ACM Careers

Missouri S&T Offers Programming Boot Camps for Engineers and Professionals

Missouri S&T is offering Computer Science Boot Camps to non-computer science engineers and other professionals online.

Student Receives $10,000 Google Women Techmakers Scholarship
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Student Receives $10,000 Google Women Techmakers Scholarship

Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg, a University of Wisconsin-Stout senior, is one of 100 students worldwide to win a $10,000 scholarship from the Google Women Techmakers...

Approximately 117,000 IT Jobs Lost Since March, U.S. Data Shows
From ACM Careers

Approximately 117,000 IT Jobs Lost Since March, U.S. Data Shows

Roughly 117,000 information technology (IT) professionals in the United States have lost their jobs since March, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data...

Managers Should Focus on Engagement in Work-from-Home World
From ACM Careers

Managers Should Focus on Engagement in Work-from-Home World

The transition to remote work environments mean business leaders need to spend more time fostering engagement with employees.

The Work Habits of Highly Effective Teams
From ACM Careers

The Work Habits of Highly Effective Teams

How well team members understand their colleagues' views of a problem affects both team and individual performance.

Companies Find New Perks for the Remote Worker
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Companies Find New Perks for the Remote Worker

As many companies enter a third month of lockdown with no clear end in sight, employers are toying with new perks that might address some of the struggles remote...

A U.S. Secret Weapon in A.I.: Chinese Talent
From ACM Careers

A U.S. Secret Weapon in A.I.: Chinese Talent

New research shows scientists educated in China help American firms and schools dominate the cutting-edge AI field. Industry leaders worry that worsening political...

'Strategic' Mindset Predicts Success, Researchers Say
From ACM Careers

'Strategic' Mindset Predicts Success, Researchers Say

A "strategic mindset" is behind the success of many business people, students, entrepreneurs, and others, according to new research published in the Proceedings...

Can't Concentrate at Work? This AI System Knows Why
From ACM Careers

Can't Concentrate at Work? This AI System Knows Why

Computer scientists have developed a way to measure staff comfort and concentration in flexible working spaces using artificial intelligence.

Microsoft Sacks Journalists, Replaces Them With AI Software
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Sacks Journalists, Replaces Them With AI Software

Users of the homepages of the MSN website and Edge browser will now see news stories generated by AI.
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