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Algorithm Finds Best Routes For One-Way Car Sharing
From ACM Careers

Algorithm Finds Best Routes For One-Way Car Sharing

The most efficient car-sharing system, researchers find, also includes shuttle services.

Huge Holograms Offer Medics More Memorable Classes
From ACM News

Huge Holograms Offer Medics More Memorable Classes

A system which uses giant holograms to help medical students master their subject has been pioneered by two London-based junior doctors.

Web's Reach Binds N.s.a. and Silicon Valley Leaders
From ACM News

Web's Reach Binds N.s.a. and Silicon Valley Leaders

When Max Kelly, the chief security officer for Facebook, left the social media company in 2010, he did not go to Google, Twitter, or a similar Silicon Valley concern...

What the Digital Brains of the Future Might Be Like
From ACM Opinion

What the Digital Brains of the Future Might Be Like

It is the rare entrepreneur who hits it truly big twice. Those who do—such as Ev Williams, Ted Turner, and Elon Musk—tend to stay within the original industry that...

Qr Codes Aren't Dead Yet
From ACM Opinion

Qr Codes Aren't Dead Yet

My favorite mobile device isn't my phone, my iPad, or my car. It's my Canon digital SLR camera.

Dram Inventor Honored with Prestigious Japanese Award
From ACM Careers

Dram Inventor Honored with Prestigious Japanese Award

Robert Dennard, a U.S. researcher at IBM who invented the basic building block of the modern DRAM, has been honored with the prestigious Kyoto Prize and $500,000...

Sizing ­p Big Data, Broadening Beyond the Internet
From ACM Careers

Sizing ­p Big Data, Broadening Beyond the Internet

In his young career, Jeffrey Hammerbacher has been a scout on the frontiers of the data economy.

­CSD Researchers Get Access to Open Science Grid
From ACM Careers

­CSD Researchers Get Access to Open Science Grid

The University of California, San Diego, and the Open Science Grid have announced a partnership under which researchers will have access to the OSG's fabric of...

Nvidia's Graphics Brawn Powers Supercomputing Brains
From ACM News

Nvidia's Graphics Brawn Powers Supercomputing Brains

Nvidia, trying to move its graphics chips into the supercomputing market, has found a niche helping engineers build brain-like systems called neural networks.

From ACM Careers

New Masters of the Universe? Banks See Future in It Hires

The investment banking industry is heading into a digital revolution that could redraw not only its business model but also the traditional image of its staff.

Virtual Reality: Get Your Head in the Game
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality: Get Your Head in the Game

I shouldn't have looked down.

Tech Firms Call for Mandatory Computer Classes
From ACM CareerNews

Tech Firms Call for Mandatory Computer Classes

Executives from leading technology firms want to require all Massachusetts public schools to teach computer science. The plan would compel classes as early as the...

Makerbot Sells Out to 3D Printing's Old Guard For $403 Million
From ACM Careers

Makerbot Sells Out to 3D Printing's Old Guard For $403 Million

The 3D printing industry turned downright frothy Wednesday as Stratasys agreed to acquire the startup MakerBot for about $403 million.

The Home Stretch: How Pixar Wrapped 'monsters University'
From ACM Careers

The Home Stretch: How Pixar Wrapped 'monsters University'

It's early April, and there's just over two months before Pixar's newest film, "Monsters University," hits theaters.

Survey Finds Widespread Opposition to 'killer Robots'
From ACM Careers

Survey Finds Widespread Opposition to 'killer Robots'

A majority of Americans oppose the military's use of autonomous weaponry, with the strongest opposition coming from active and former military members, and from...

3D Printing Powered By Thought
From ACM News

3D Printing Powered By Thought

It's definitely not a bird. Nor is it a plane. The garish orange piece of plastic, small enough to hold in the palm of a hand, could pass for a missing limb of...

The Secret War
From ACM News

The Secret War

Inside Fort Meade, Maryland, a top-secret city bustles.

Scientists Reach Milestone for Quantum Networks
From ACM Careers

Scientists Reach Milestone for Quantum Networks

Researchers at Georgia Tech are reporting a quantum network milestone: they've entangling light with an optical atomic coherence composed of interacting atoms...

The Company Website Is Making a Comeback
From ACM Careers

The Company Website Is Making a Comeback

For years now, companies have been vying for attention on social streams controlled by the likes of Facebook and Twitter.

Academics Earn Street Cred with Ted Talks but No Points From Peers
From ACM Careers

Academics Earn Street Cred with Ted Talks but No Points From Peers

TED Talks, the popular conference and events website, provides academics with increased popular exposure but does nothing to boost citations of their work by peers...
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