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Innovation Starvation
From ACM Opinion

Innovation Starvation

My lifespan encompasses the era when the United States of America was capable of launching human beings into space.

Superhero or Supervillain?
From ACM Opinion

Superhero or Supervillain?

From invisibility to superhuman strength to telekinesis, a wave of emerging technologies promise to give people powers once reserved for comic-book characters.

Uf Fully Connects to Internet2 Innovation Platform's Three Components
From ACM Careers

Uf Fully Connects to Internet2 Innovation Platform's Three Components

The University of Florida has fully connected to the Internet2 Innovation Platform's three components, an achievement that will transform research at UF and provide...

Why iPhone Accessory Makers Love Bluetooth
From ACM Careers

Why iPhone Accessory Makers Love Bluetooth

Apple's closed ecosystem is losing the battle for how we connect our mobile devices to accessories as open solutions like Bluetooth dominate over Apple's proprietary...

The Front Line for Battling Cyberattacks: Internal Auditors
From ACM Careers

The Front Line for Battling Cyberattacks: Internal Auditors

Businesses have a growing need for professionals who can size up their data security policies and potential risks. Who do they turn to? Internal auditors, according...

Accessories No Longer Tethered to Apple
From ACM Careers

Accessories No Longer Tethered to Apple

For years, Apple's clout in the electronics world could be gauged by how easy it was to bump into devices tailor-made for a connection to an iPhone or iPod.

An Arduino-based Robot for People Who Don't Know How to Build Robots
From ACM Careers

An Arduino-based Robot for People Who Don't Know How to Build Robots

There are plenty of Arduino-based robots in the world, but actually building one is a bit tough if you're not familiar with Arduino programming.

Linguists Identify 15,000-Year-Old 'ultraconserved Words'
From ACM News

Linguists Identify 15,000-Year-Old 'ultraconserved Words'

You, hear me! Give this fire to that old man. Pull the black worm off the bark and give it to the mother. And no spitting in the ashes!

'multicopter' Hovercraft Improves Structure Monitoring
From ACM Careers

'multicopter' Hovercraft Improves Structure Monitoring

The current method of inspecting bridges for structural damage is labor-intensive and potentially dangerous. A Missouri S&T researcher is developing a safer, more...

Turning on Frustration
From ACM Careers

Turning on Frustration

A research group at the Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland, explored how to frustrate a quantum magnet comprised of sixteen atomic ions — to date the...

From ACM News

How Today's Sensors Could Make Tomorrow's Cars Safer

Driverless cars haven’t hit the roads yet, but computers are already helping to slow down or stop a car in situations when a crash is imminent.

Monkey Math: Baboons Show An Ability To ­nderstand Numbers
From ACM Careers

Monkey Math: Baboons Show An Ability To ­nderstand Numbers

A new study at the University of Rochester shows that olive baboons can understand numbers and discriminate between different quantities as accurately as a human...

Solving Equation of a Hit Film Script, With Data
From ACM Careers

Solving Equation of a Hit Film Script, With Data

Forget zombies. The data crunchers are invading Hollywood.

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind
From ACM News

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind

One day in March, I was sitting across from Facebook's design director, Kate Aronowitz, at 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park when she told me, "It takes a lot of work...

Author Sees History of the Internet in Cultural, Political Light
From ACM Careers

Author Sees History of the Internet in Cultural, Political Light

The Internet has been understudied as a political and cultural formation, according to Stephanie Ricker Schulte, assistant professor at the University of Arkansas...

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate With Humans
From ACM Careers

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate With Humans

Vehicles, robots, and other autonomous devices could soon collaborate with humans in ways that analyze their needs and determine the best way to achieve their goals...

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making
From ACM Careers

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making

Brian M. Krzanich, who on Thursday was named Intel's next chief executive, knows he faces a hefty challenge when he takes over the world's biggest maker of semiconductors...

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap
From ACM Careers

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap

There are still relatively few women in tech. Maria Klawe wants to change that. As president of Harvey Mudd College, a science and engineering school in Southern...

High-Tech Camera Acts Like a Bug's Eye
From ACM News

High-Tech Camera Acts Like a Bug's Eye

The next generation of digital cameras could show us how bugs see the world.

Immigration Reform: Silicon Valley Hiring Practices Threatened
From ACM Careers

Immigration Reform: Silicon Valley Hiring Practices Threatened

As Congress tries to tackle the many sides of immigration reform, one of Silicon Valley's most contentious debates is getting renewed focus: Should high-tech companies...
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