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Rensselaer Student Seeks Brighter, Smarter, and More Efficient Leds
From ACM Careers

Rensselaer Student Seeks Brighter, Smarter, and More Efficient Leds

Ming Ma, a doctoral student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has developed a new method to manufacture LEDs that are brighter, more energy efficient, and have...

Carly Fiorina on Marissa, Sheryl, and Women in Tech
From ACM Opinion

Carly Fiorina on Marissa, Sheryl, and Women in Tech

Before Marissa Mayer and Sheryl Sandberg became the faces of female leadership in Silicon Valley, there was Carly Fiorina.

Autopsy of a Dead Social Network
From ACM Careers

Autopsy of a Dead Social Network

Friendster is a social network that was founded in 2002, a year before Myspace and two years before Facebook.

The Other Ted Prize
From ACM Careers

The Other Ted Prize

Sergey Brin waltzed in for a try and threw up a score of 250,953, first time out of the gate and with Google Glass still perched on his face.

Smart Watches Gain Interest and Popularity
From ACM Careers

Smart Watches Gain Interest and Popularity

On a sunny day at a picnic table in Silicon Valley, Eric Migicovsky glanced down at his wristwatch. He wasn't checking the time, he was checking his email.

STEM Tops Education Agenda in Chicago
From ACM TechNews

STEM Tops Education Agenda in Chicago

Chicago is partnering with the U.S. Navy to develop science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) summer camps, enrichment programs, and more dual-enrollment...

Tool Boosts Success of Online Collaborations By Redistributing the Burdens of Leadership
From ACM TechNews

Tool Boosts Success of Online Collaborations By Redistributing the Burdens of Leadership

Carnegie Mellon University researcher Kurt Luther has developed Pipeline, an open source tool designed to help leaders finish complex, collaborative projects by...

Developers ­rged to Create Digital Games That Improve Brain Function
From ACM Careers

Developers ­rged to Create Digital Games That Improve Brain Function

Neuroscientists should help to develop compelling digital games that boost brain function and improve well-being, say two professors specializing in the field in...

After M.t.a. Setbacks, No-Swipe Fare Cards Are Still Stuck in the Future
From ACM News

After M.t.a. Setbacks, No-Swipe Fare Cards Are Still Stuck in the Future

For nearly 50 years, coins were the currency in New York’s subway and bus system. Tokens carried the next 40 years, until the MetroCard first slid into riders’...

Hackers Could ­se 'the Internet of Things' to Turn Everyday Devices Into Paths of Attack
From ACM Opinion

Hackers Could ­se 'the Internet of Things' to Turn Everyday Devices Into Paths of Attack

The "Internet of Things" is great—we'll soon be able to build apps for our cars, thermostats, refrigerators, and more. But what happens when attackers get into...

Interview with Creators of Romo Iphone Robot
From ACM Opinion

Interview with Creators of Romo Iphone Robot

One of the biggest charmers at TED2013 so far has been Romo the Robot, who rolled and whizzed around the stage with one of his creators, Keller Rinaudo.

Qualcomm's Decidedly Different Plan to Connect Your Devices to the Internet of Things
From ACM Careers

Qualcomm's Decidedly Different Plan to Connect Your Devices to the Internet of Things

Qualcomm, the chip company that made its fortune in mobile connectivity had big visions beyond its CDMA and cellular radio heritage.

Holographic Technique Could Lead to Bionic Vision
From ACM Careers

Holographic Technique Could Lead to Bionic Vision

Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology are testing the power of holography to artificially stimulate cells in the eye, with hopes of developing...

Computational Center Will Study The Past and Future of Knowledge
From ACM Careers

Computational Center Will Study The Past and Future of Knowledge

A new research initiative will use computational tools to scrutinize how knowledge is created. Such understanding could transform the process of research, calling...

Gender Gap Disappears in School Math Competitions
From ACM Careers

Gender Gap Disappears in School Math Competitions

The idea that boys are better at math and in competitions has persisted for a long time, and now we know why: Nobody bothered to schedule the rematch.

Intel Takes Big Step in Custom Chip Foundry Business
From ACM Careers

Intel Takes Big Step in Custom Chip Foundry Business

Intel has agreed to make chips on behalf of Altera, a significant step toward opening its prized manufacturing technology to customers on a larger scale, potentially...

Why Marissa Mayer's Ban on Remote Working at Yahoo Could Backfire Badly
From ACM Opinion

Why Marissa Mayer's Ban on Remote Working at Yahoo Could Backfire Badly

Not long after her arrival at Yahoo, new CEO Marissa Mayer started handing out carrots to her new employees, including new smartphones, free food, and other Google...

For Ibm, Africa Is Risky and Rife With Opportunity
From ACM Careers

For Ibm, Africa Is Risky and Rife With Opportunity

Tony Mwai moved back to his homeland of Kenya in 2009 to run IBM's East Africa operations, about 20 years after joining the company in New York.

Lessons From Cockroaches Could Inform Robotics
From ACM Careers

Lessons From Cockroaches Could Inform Robotics

Running cockroaches start to recover from being shoved sideways before their dawdling nervous system kicks in, researchers have found. These insights could help...

A Genetic Code For Genius?
From ACM News

A Genetic Code For Genius?

At a former paper-printing factory in Hong Kong, a 20-year-old wunderkind named Zhao Bowen has embarked on a challenging and potentially controversial quest: uncovering...
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