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Brain Surgery in 3-D: Coming Soon to the Operating Theater
From ACM Careers

Brain Surgery in 3-D: Coming Soon to the Operating Theater

One blue surgical drape at a time, the patient disappeared, until all that showed was a triangle of her shaved scalp.  

Mark Zuckerberg's New Year's Resolution Is a Huge Deal for Facebook, and the World
From ACM Careers

Mark Zuckerberg's New Year's Resolution Is a Huge Deal for Facebook, and the World

Each January, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg rings in the New Year with a personal challenge, like learning Mandarin, running 365 miles, or building an artificially...

Inside the Lab Where Amazon's Alexa Takes Over The World
From ACM Careers

Inside the Lab Where Amazon's Alexa Takes Over The World

When it first launched in 2014, Amazon's Alexa voice assistant was little more than an experiment.

Students Build Supercomputer Cluster from Raspberry Pi Boards
From ACM Careers

Students Build Supercomputer Cluster from Raspberry Pi Boards

Ohio State University students built the Buckeye Pi supercomputer with 128 off-the-shelf Raspberry Pi circuit boards.

Can Washington Be Automated?
From ACM Careers

Can Washington Be Automated?

It's a brisk late November afternoon in an 8th-floor office overlooking downtown Washington's Thomas Circle. The White House is an easy five block walk; the Hart...

8 Overly Confident, Mostly Pessimistic Predictions About Tech in 2018
From ACM Opinion

8 Overly Confident, Mostly Pessimistic Predictions About Tech in 2018

It was a very strange year for technology companies. They have become a "bipartisan whipping boy," a new sexist institution, responsible for the muddying of the...

How a Researcher Hacked His Own Computer and Found 'worst' Chip Flaw
From ACM Careers

How a Researcher Hacked His Own Computer and Found 'worst' Chip Flaw

Daniel Gruss didn't sleep much the night he hacked his own computer and exposed a flaw in most of the chips made in the past two decades by hardware giant Intel...

A Visit to Facebook's Recently Opened Center For Deleting Content
From ACM Careers

A Visit to Facebook's Recently Opened Center For Deleting Content

For the first time, Facebook granted journalists access to its new center in Essen, Germany for deleting content from its platform. In the five-story building,...

Tulane Awarded $3.67 Million Grant For Quantum Computer Programming Tools
From ACM Careers

Tulane Awarded $3.67 Million Grant For Quantum Computer Programming Tools

Tulane University professor Michael Mislove has received a $3.67 million grant from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research to help develop tools and related...

The Labs that Protect Against Online Warfare
From ACM News

The Labs that Protect Against Online Warfare

Several months after the WannaCry cyber-attack, much of the world still seems to be asleep to the potential catastrophic effects of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure...

License Expired: The Ars Technica 2018 Deathwatch
From ACM Opinion

License Expired: The Ars Technica 2018 Deathwatch

Wow, that 2017, though. Quite a year. Let's grab a Juicero and take a moment to reflect on the utter dumpster fires that we've witnessed over the past 12 months...

How Big Tech Is Going After Your Health Care
From ACM Careers

How Big Tech Is Going After Your Health Care

When Daniel Poston, a second-year medical student in Manhattan, opened the App Store on his iPhone a couple of weeks ago, he was astonished to see an app for a...

Can China Contain Bitcoin?
From ACM Careers

Can China Contain Bitcoin?

It was only a matter of time before Bobby Lee, CEO of China's longest-running Bitcoin exchange, found himself in the crosshairs of Chinese regulators.

College Students Come ­p with Plug-In to Combat Fake News
From ACM Careers

College Students Come ­p with Plug-In to Combat Fake News

A team of college students is getting attention from internet companies and Congress after developing a browser extension that alerts users to fake and biased news...

The Robots Are Coming, and Sweden Is Fine
From ACM News

The Robots Are Coming, and Sweden Is Fine

From inside the control room carved into the rock more than half a mile underground, Mika Persson can see the robots on the march, supposedly coming for his job...

What Amazon's Alexa Economy Pays the People Building Its Skills
From ACM Careers

What Amazon's Alexa Economy Pays the People Building Its Skills

On a lark, Joel Wilson started developing skills for Alexa, Amazon's voice assistant, this past January.

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies Like IBM
From ACM News

Blockchain Pumping New Life Into Old-School Companies Like IBM

Blockchain is getting bigger at Big Blue.

Tiny Structures Help Prevent Short Circuits in Plasma Devices
From ACM Careers

Tiny Structures Help Prevent Short Circuits in Plasma Devices

Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory have found a way to prevent plasma from causing short circuits in machines such...

While Earthlings Take a Break, the Mars Rover Keeps Working
From ACM Careers

While Earthlings Take a Break, the Mars Rover Keeps Working

Rover continues to "zap" Martian rocks and send data back to Earth over winter break.

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda
From ACM News

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

Under fire for Facebook Inc.'s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship...
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