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Microsoft's Q# Quantum Programming Language Out Now in Preview
From ACM Careers

Microsoft's Q# Quantum Programming Language Out Now in Preview

Microsoft launched a preview version of a new programming language for quantum computing called Q#. The industry giant also launched a quantum simulator that developers...

Inside Baidu's Bid to Lead the AI Revolution
From ACM Careers

Inside Baidu's Bid to Lead the AI Revolution

Presumably, Robin Li wanted attention last summer when he decided to launch Baidu's bid for the future of self-driving cars from the front seat of a car that was...

'black Box' Recorder Puts Surgeons' Robotic Surgery Skills ­nder the Microscope
From ACM Careers

'black Box' Recorder Puts Surgeons' Robotic Surgery Skills ­nder the Microscope

A new study from Keck Medicine of USC finds that data from a novel recorder can be used to objectively measure surgeons' proficiency in robotic-assisted prostate...

Plunge Into a (virtual Reality) Black Hole
From ACM Careers

Plunge Into a (virtual Reality) Black Hole

Imagine, in the frigid depths of space, a pair of immense black holes crashing together so violently that they shake the fabric of space and time.

Jpl Deploys a Cubesat For Astronomy
From ACM Careers

Jpl Deploys a Cubesat For Astronomy

Tiny satellites called CubeSats have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Besides allowing researchers to test new technologies, their relative simplicity...

China's Top Ideologue Calls For Tight Control of Internet
From ACM Careers

China's Top Ideologue Calls For Tight Control of Internet

Little heard from but hugely influential, the professor-turned-Communist theoretician who has been a major adviser to three Chinese leaders finally stepped out...

A Tiny New Chip Could Secure the Next Generation of Iot
From ACM Careers

A Tiny New Chip Could Secure the Next Generation of Iot

The Internet of Things security crisis persists, as billions of inadequately secured webcams, refrigerators, and more flood homes around the world.

Bitcoin's Insane Energy Consumption, Explained
From ACM Careers

Bitcoin's Insane Energy Consumption, Explained

The skyrocketing value of Bitcoin is leading to soaring energy consumption. According to one widely cited website that tracks the subject, the Bitcoin network is...

What Tech Skills Are Hot (react, Cloud) or Not (linux, Tableau)
From ACM Careers

What Tech Skills Are Hot (react, Cloud) or Not (linux, Tableau)

It's a good time to have experience in React, the JavaScript library used to create user interfaces, according to a study released this week by job search firmIndeed...

How AI Will Invade Every Corner of Wall Street
From ACM News

How AI Will Invade Every Corner of Wall Street

It was AI versus Warren Buffett.

­niverse's Baby Picture Wins $3 Million
From ACM Careers

­niverse's Baby Picture Wins $3 Million

Astrophysicists who captured an image of the Big Bang's afterglow—and confirmed the standard model of cosmology—won a US$3-million Breakthrough Prize on 3 December...

Future Wars May Depend as Much on Algorithms as on Ammunition, Report Says. 
From ACM News

Future Wars May Depend as Much on Algorithms as on Ammunition, Report Says. 

The Pentagon is increasingly focused on the notion that the might of U.S. forces will be measured as much by the advancement of their algorithms as by the ammunition...

From the Arctic's Melting Ice, an ­nexpected Digital Hub
From ACM Careers

From the Arctic's Melting Ice, an ­nexpected Digital Hub

This is one of the most remote towns in the United States, a small gravel spit on the northwest coast of Alaska, more than 3,700 miles from New York City. Icy seas...

Conquering Traffic Congestion With Mathematics
From ACM Careers

Conquering Traffic Congestion With Mathematics

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded more than $446,000 for a new collaborative engineering project that will allow drivers to make more informed travel...

Google, Amazon Find Not Everyone Is Ready For AI
From ACM Careers

Google, Amazon Find Not Everyone Is Ready For AI

Executives at ascendant tech titans like Amazon and Google tend to look down on their predecessor IBM.

The Shocking Truth Behind Arnold Nordsieck's Differential Analyzer
From ACM Careers

The Shocking Truth Behind Arnold Nordsieck's Differential Analyzer

In 1950, the physicist Arnold Nordsieck built himself this analog computer.

Australian Man ­ses Snack Bags as Faraday Cage to Block Tracking By Employer
From ACM Careers

Australian Man ­ses Snack Bags as Faraday Cage to Block Tracking By Employer

A 60-year-old electrician in Perth, Western Australia had his termination upheld by a labor grievance commission when it was determined he had been abusing his...

At Berkeley, a New Generation of 'ethical Hackers' Learns to Wage Cyberwar
From ACM Careers

At Berkeley, a New Generation of 'ethical Hackers' Learns to Wage Cyberwar

"Whenever I teach a security class, it happens that there is something going on in the news cycle that ties into it," Doug Tygar, a computer-science professor at...

Music, Engineering Researchers team Up to Turn Big Data Into Sound
From ACM Careers

Music, Engineering Researchers team Up to Turn Big Data Into Sound

A unique collaboration between a music professor and an engineering professor at Virginia Tech will result in the creation of a new platform for data analysis that...

In AI Technology Race, ­.s. Chips May Be Ace-In-The-Hole Vs. China
From ACM Careers

In AI Technology Race, ­.s. Chips May Be Ace-In-The-Hole Vs. China

The U.S. holds an enviable lead in pushing artificial-intelligence technology out of labs and into real-world applications. Thank companies like Alphabet (GOOGL...
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