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Two Computer Scientists to Receive Nsf's Alan T. Waterman Award
From ACM Careers

Two Computer Scientists to Receive Nsf's Alan T. Waterman Award

Two computer scientists, Robert Wood of Harvard University and Scott Aaronson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, have been named by the National Science...

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google
From ACM News

DARPA Director Bolts Pentagon For Google

Darpa director Regina Dugan will soon be stepping down from her position atop the Pentagon's premiere research shop to take a job with Google.

Apple Pioneer Brings Emotion to Google+
From ACM Opinion

Apple Pioneer Brings Emotion to Google+

Andy Hertzfeld was ready to retire back in 2009, following a momentous 30-year plus career where he worked side by side with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak to design...

Teen Wins ­k Cyber Security Challenge
From ACM Careers

Teen Wins ­k Cyber Security Challenge

Jonathan Millican, a first year computer science student at Cambridge University, was named the UK Cyber Security Champion at the Cyber Security Challenge UK Awards...

The Best Cities For Finding IT Jobs in 2012
From ACM CareerNews

The Best Cities For Finding IT Jobs in 2012

The best U.S. cities for finding IT jobs are Washington DC, Houston, Minneapolis, and San Francisco, according to a survey of three national staffing firms.

Re-Framing Talent For Our Times
From ACM CareerNews

Re-Framing Talent For Our Times

Today's economy is characterized by rapid, volatile change and mounting competitive pressures. Companies need to re-define "talent" to meet these demands.

Khan Academy: The Future of Education?
From ACM Careers

Khan Academy: The Future of Education?

Sal Khan is a math, science, and history teacher to millions of students, yet none have ever seen his face.

Where 4,000,000 Phones a Year Go to Be Resurrected
From ACM News

Where 4,000,000 Phones a Year Go to Be Resurrected

The first thing I noticed when I stepped into Recellular's Ann Arbor warehouse was the flags. From the rafters, the flags of the world oversee the processing of...

Hail to the Geeks
From ACM News

Hail to the Geeks

Basketball dominates the American sports landscape in March. So perhaps it’s fitting that the sixth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, held last week...

Teach Your Robot Well
From ACM Careers

Teach Your Robot Well

A new study by Georgia Tech's Maya Cakmak and Andrea Thomaz identifies the types of questions a robot can ask during a learning interaction that are most likely...

Nintendo Wii Game Controllers Help Diagnose Eye Disorder
From ACM Careers

Nintendo Wii Game Controllers Help Diagnose Eye Disorder

Scientists are using Wii remotes to assess and diagnose children with ocular torticollis, an abnormal head position caused by eye diseases.

An App That Helps You Cozy ­p to Strangers
From ACM News

An App That Helps You Cozy ­p to Strangers

Paul Davison is in a hurry. Not just to board the plane that's about to take him to his father's retirement party in San Diego, or to get through the talking points...

Two Asteroids Named After Unix Co-Creators
From ACM Careers

Two Asteroids Named After Unix Co-Creators

Two small asteroids now bear the names of two towering figures in computing history, Unix inventors Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.

The Helper
From ACM Careers

The Helper

MIT senior Jacob Wamala applies his engineering skills and his desire to serve to help improve the lives of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.

Computer Experts Join the Battle Against Moths Invading Britain
From ACM Careers

Computer Experts Join the Battle Against Moths Invading Britain

Computer experts have been called in to help Britain win an increasingly desperate battle against an invading army of clothes-eating moths.

Stanford Offers More Free Online Classes For the World
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Offers More Free Online Classes For the World

Stanford University is introducing five free online classes in March as the next step in a university initiative to use new technologies to improve education....

Zero Robotics Autonomous Space Capture Challenge
From ACM Careers

Zero Robotics Autonomous Space Capture Challenge

The Zero Robotics Autonomous Space Capture Challenge, sponsored by DARPA and NASA, and run by the MIT Space Systems Laboratory, TopCoder, and Aurora Flight Sciences...

Cloud Will Create 14 Million Jobs, Study Says
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Will Create 14 Million Jobs, Study Says

Cloud computing technologies will help create nearly 14 million technology-related jobs worldwide by 2015, resulting in $1.1 trillion in revenue annually, according...

What Geography Can Teach ­S About Basketball
From ACM News

What Geography Can Teach ­S About Basketball

The annual Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, created in 2006, has become something like Bonnaroo for sports nerds. And if there was a breakout star at this year's...

RPI Student Aims To Improve Efficiency of Power Grids
From ACM Careers

RPI Student Aims To Improve Efficiency of Power Grids

Zepu Wang has developed a new advanced material to coat electrical components and allow the transmission of higher voltages across power infrastructures. The material...
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