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Europe's Love/hate Relationship with Silicon Valley, and What that Means For ­.s. Tech Firms
From ACM Careers

Europe's Love/hate Relationship with Silicon Valley, and What that Means For ­.s. Tech Firms

The last time Mark Zuckerberg visited Berlin, he appeared to be having a really good time.

Tech Billionaires Convinced We Live in the Matrix Are Secretly Fund Scientists to Break Us Out of It
From ACM Careers

Tech Billionaires Convinced We Live in the Matrix Are Secretly Fund Scientists to Break Us Out of It

Some of the world's richest and most powerful people are convinced that we are living in a computer simulation. And now they're trying to do something about it.

Even with Rising Wages, Robot Revolution Skips Restaurants
From ACM Careers

Even with Rising Wages, Robot Revolution Skips Restaurants

Clamshell grills are making burger flipping obsolete at McDonald’s, Johnny Rockets and other burger chains. Digital kiosks, tabletop tablets and mobile phones are...

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete
From ACM News

The Computer Voting Revolution Is Already Crappy, Buggy, and Obsolete

Six days after Memphis voters went to the polls last October to elect a mayor and other city officials, a local computer programmer named Bennie Smith sat on his...

Iphone Exploit Bounty Surges to an Eye-Popping $1.5 Million
From ACM Careers

Iphone Exploit Bounty Surges to an Eye-Popping $1.5 Million

A controversial broker of security exploits is offering $1.5 million (£1.2 million) for attacks that work against fully patched iPhones and iPads, a bounty that's...

Why Data Is the New Coal
From ACM Opinion

Why Data Is the New Coal

"Is data the new oil?" asked proponents of big data back in 2012 in Forbes magazine. By 2016, and the rise of big data's turbo-powered cousin deep learning, westated Fortune...

Phone Makers Could Cut Off Drivers. So Why Don't They?
From ACM Careers

Phone Makers Could Cut Off Drivers. So Why Don't They?

The court filings paint a grisly picture: As Ashley Kubiak sped down a Texas highway in her Dodge Ram truck, she checked her iPhone for messages.

Meeting Cellebrite Israel's Master Phone Crackers
From ACM Careers

Meeting Cellebrite Israel's Master Phone Crackers

Cellebrite was in the headlines earlier this year when it was rumoured to have helped the FBI to crack an iPhone used by the San Bernardino shooter.

Nyu Receives $2.9m Grant to Develop a Holodeck Instrument
From ACM Careers

Nyu Receives $2.9m Grant to Develop a Holodeck Instrument

An interdisciplinary team of New York University researchers received a $2.9M grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop an integrated software/hardware...

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End
From ACM Careers

The Wikipedia Bots that Are Engaged in Spats that Never End

Is. Isn't. Is. Isn’t. Is. Isn't.

Customer Service Bots Are Getting Better at Detecting Your Agitation
From ACM Careers

Customer Service Bots Are Getting Better at Detecting Your Agitation

SRI International, the Silicon Valley research lab where Apple's virtual assistant Siri was born, is working on a new generation of virtual assistants that respond...

For the Debaters: What Shall We Do About the Tech Careening Our Way?
From ACM Opinion

For the Debaters: What Shall We Do About the Tech Careening Our Way?

Here's a question I’m hoping comes up at Monday's presidential debate: Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump, what would you do about self-driving trucks?

Detecting Emotions With Wireless Signals
From ACM Careers

Detecting Emotions With Wireless Signals

By measuring an individual's heartbeat and breath, a device developed at MIT CSAIL can tell if a person's excited, happy, angry, or sad.

Big Step For Quantum Teleportation Won't Bring ­S Any Closer to Star Trek. Here's Why
From ACM Opinion

Big Step For Quantum Teleportation Won't Bring ­S Any Closer to Star Trek. Here's Why

Two teams have set new distance records for quantum teleportation: using the weirdness of quantum mechanics to instantly transfer the condition or "state" of one...

Google, Apple Are About to Face India's Security Demands
From ACM Careers

Google, Apple Are About to Face India's Security Demands

India's relationship with the global tech industry has become increasingly fraught.

The Bot Economy Is Growing Even Faster Than the App Economy Did
From ACM Careers

The Bot Economy Is Growing Even Faster Than the App Economy Did

Move over apps, it's time for the bots to shine.

Apple Offers Free App to Teach Children Coding (ipads Sold Separately)
From ACM Careers

Apple Offers Free App to Teach Children Coding (ipads Sold Separately)

Apple plans to release a free coding education app on Tuesday that it developed with middle-school students in mind, in the latest salvo among technology companies...

America's Secret Cold War Mission to Build the First Chinese Computer
From ACM Careers

America's Secret Cold War Mission to Build the First Chinese Computer

It was the summer of 1959, and the United States needed a Cold War win.

Cybathlon: World's First 'bionic Olympics' Gears ­p
From ACM TechNews

Cybathlon: World's First 'bionic Olympics' Gears ­p

Switzerland in October will host the world's inaugural Cybathlon, with 50 teams participating in sporting events to showcase bionic technologies. 

The Time I Went on Border Patrol in a Virtual Reality World
From ACM Opinion

The Time I Went on Border Patrol in a Virtual Reality World

I found myself on a desolate desert road, in front of a man who was leaning against the hood of a banged-up sedan and next to a United States Border Patrol agent...
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