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Chinese Students Are Storming ­.s. Grad Schools: They Have the Money and the Brains
From ACM News

Chinese Students Are Storming ­.s. Grad Schools: They Have the Money and the Brains

If you build it, they will come. No, I'm not talking about a baseball field amidst stalks of corn but the educational institutions dotting the U.S. landscape...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Hack!
From ACM News

On Your Mark, Get Set, Hack!

During a "hackathon" last year, GroupMe co-founders Steve Martocci and Jared Hecht built a group text-messaging service in one 24-hour stretch. In August, the...

A Winning Strategy in the War For Talent
From ACM CareerNews

A Winning Strategy in the War For Talent

Despite a massive surplus of people looking for work, technology companies are having a hard time finding talent. When big companies take out billboards to find...

Jumping the Corporate Ship
From ACM CareerNews

Jumping the Corporate Ship

A growing number of middle managers are leaving large corporations to join new start-ups, as the technology boom gains momentum. Start-ups, in some cases, generate...

Technion Students Create Application that 'writes' Books
From ACM Careers

Technion Students Create Application that 'writes' Books

Students at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have created a computer app that scours Wikipedia to "write" books in a matter of minutes on any subject...

Nsf Grant to Expand Computer Science Principles Curriculum
From ACM Careers

Nsf Grant to Expand Computer Science Principles Curriculum

The U.S. National Science Foundation is funding a program to offer "computer science principles" classes at San Diego area high schools, community colleges, and...

In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores
From ACM Careers

In Classroom of Future, Stagnant Scores

Amy Furman, a seventh-grade English teacher here, roams among 31 students sitting at their desks or in clumps on the floor. They're studying Shakespeare's "As...

Gao Reviews Americans' Interest-Level in Cyber Jobs
From ACM TechNews

Gao Reviews Americans' Interest-Level in Cyber Jobs

The U.S. Government Accountability Office will soon release a report on the cybersecurity staffing challenges confronting government agencies. The study will help...

Age Bias in It: The Reality Behind the Rumors
From ACM Careers

Age Bias in It: The Reality Behind the Rumors

Most high-tech employers would likely deny that age discrimination is an issue at their company. But many IT workers over 50 beg to differ, saying they have experienced...

10 Jobs That Barely Existed on 9/10/01, From Robot Squadmate to Warplane Whisperer
From ACM News

10 Jobs That Barely Existed on 9/10/01, From Robot Squadmate to Warplane Whisperer

The terror attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, changed the lives of all Americans—few more so than the millions who have participated in the...

Five Subtle Ways to Find a New Job
From ACM CareerNews

Five Subtle Ways to Find a New Job

While many people delay entering the job market even when they know they should act, there are ways to find a new job without leaving your comfort zone. You can...

When Computer Programming Was Women's Work
From ACM CareerNews

When Computer Programming Was Women's Work

Nearly thirty-five years ago, 11% of computer science majors were women. Their proportion continued to rise steadily, reaching its peak (37%) in 1984. Then, over...

Apple's Design Wizard Has Not Left the Building
From ACM Careers

Apple's Design Wizard Has Not Left the Building

He was the resident wizard at 1 Infinite Loop, the guy sporting minimalist attire, closely cropped hair and a mischievous smile as he pulled one delightful new...

For Software Developers, A Bounty Of Opportunity
From ACM Careers

For Software Developers, A Bounty Of Opportunity

As people across the country suffer from long-term unemployment, the tech industry is experiencing a shortage of qualified workers. Particularly in software development...

Math Anxiety: Deal With It Early, Professor Says
From ACM Careers

Math Anxiety: Deal With It Early, Professor Says

Math anxiety is a problem that usually starts at an early age, and if it isn't addressed in grade school, math anxiety can hinder students throughout their education...

Researchers Aim For Processors That Run Without a Battery
From ACM Careers

Researchers Aim For Processors That Run Without a Battery

Virginia Commonwealth University has received two grants to support work on energy-efficient computing devices that pack more processing power in a chip and potentially...

Social Media Expert Explores Dynamics of Online Networking
From ACM Careers

Social Media Expert Explores Dynamics of Online Networking

A study of the dynamics of an open source community suggests a "performance–based clustering" phenomenon in which most collaborations involve accomplished developers...

Program Encourages Government Employees to Innovate
From ACM Careers

Program Encourages Government Employees to Innovate

Now beginning its second year, the Masters of Science in Leadership, offered by Washington University in St. Louis in partnership with the Brookings Institution...

Researchers ­sing Ipads to Treat Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries
From ACM Careers

Researchers ­sing Ipads to Treat Patients With Spinal Cord Injuries

The Occupational Therapy Department at Nova Southeastern University is giving iPads to patients with limited mobility.    

Remedies For Science's Shortage of Superheroes
From ACM Careers

Remedies For Science's Shortage of Superheroes

A serious personnel shortage in the global science and engineering workforce involves a the scarcity of real-life superheroes with charm, charisma, people skills...
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