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Robotic Motion Planning in Real-Time
From ACM Careers

Robotic Motion Planning in Real-Time

Duke University engineers and computer scientists have developed a computer processor that can design robotic motion plans in under a millisecond.

Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream
From ACM Opinion

Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream

Matt Krisiloff is in a small, glass-walled conference room off the lobby of Y Combinator’s office in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood, shouting distance...

Meet Deep Thunder: Ibm's Next Step in the Automation of Forecasting
From ACM Careers

Meet Deep Thunder: Ibm's Next Step in the Automation of Forecasting

Until recently, weather forecasting was a fairly straightforward process.

Barefoot Networks' New Chips Will Transform the Tech Industry
From ACM Opinion

Barefoot Networks' New Chips Will Transform the Tech Industry

Nick McKeown and his new startup, Barefoot Networks, just launched out of stealth. That's Silicon Valley-speak for trumpeting the arrival of your new startup in...

Artificial Intelligence Produces Realistic Sounds That Fool Humans
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Produces Realistic Sounds That Fool Humans

Researchers from MIT CSAIL have demonstrated an algorithm that has effectively learned how to predict sound: When shown a silent video clip of an object being hit...

This Is Where the Real Action in Artificial Intelligence Takes Place
From ACM Careers

This Is Where the Real Action in Artificial Intelligence Takes Place

Swarms of journalists lined the halls of a Southern California oceanfront resort recently to see tech luminaries like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk discuss the Gawker...

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the new Rome. As in the time of Caesar, the world is grappling with an advanced city-state dominating much of the planet, injecting its technology...

Jobs Threatened By Machines: A Once 'stupid' Concern Gains Respect
From ACM Opinion

Jobs Threatened By Machines: A Once 'stupid' Concern Gains Respect

They replaced horses, didn't they? That's how the late, great economist Wassily Leontief responded 35 years ago to those who argued technology would never really...

Detroit's Grand Plan to Lead the Self-Driving Revolution
From ACM Careers

Detroit's Grand Plan to Lead the Self-Driving Revolution

The cradle of American automotive innovation has in the past decade migrated 2,000 miles from Detroit to Silicon Valley, where autonomous vehicles and other advanced...

Cyborgs Closer to Reality in Future Stages of Human Evolution
From ACM Careers

Cyborgs Closer to Reality in Future Stages of Human Evolution

The rapid uptake of technology is putting humans more firmly on the path to becoming cyborgs, according to Professor Maciej Henneberg and Aurthur Saniotis from...

Artificial Intelligence Is Far From Matching Humans, Panel Says
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Far From Matching Humans, Panel Says

Never mind Terminator-like killer robots. Artificial intelligence researchers are grappling with more realistic questions like whether their creations will take...

Rise of the Robots: 60,000 Workers Culled from Just One Factory as China's Struggling Electronics Hub Turns to Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

Rise of the Robots: 60,000 Workers Culled from Just One Factory as China's Struggling Electronics Hub Turns to Artificial Intelligence

The manufacturing hub for the electronics industry, Kunshan, in Jiangsu province, is seeking a drastic reduction in labour costs as it undergoes a makeover after...

Algorithms That Learn with Less Data Could Expand Ai's Power
From ACM Careers

Algorithms That Learn with Less Data Could Expand Ai's Power

Last year Microsoft and Google both showed that their image-recognition algorithms had learned to best humans.

Soon We Won't Program Computers. We'll Train Them Like Dogs
From ACM News

Soon We Won't Program Computers. We'll Train Them Like Dogs

Before the invention of the computer, most experimental psychologists thought the brain was an unknowable black box.

Inside Vicarious, the Secretive AI Startup Bringing Imagination to Computers
From ACM Careers

Inside Vicarious, the Secretive AI Startup Bringing Imagination to Computers

Life would be pretty dull without imagination. In fact, maybe the biggest problem for computers is that they don't have any.

Gentle Strength For Robots
From ACM Careers

Gentle Strength For Robots

A soft actuator using electrically controllable membranes could pave the way for machines that pose no danger to humans.

Peek Into the Weird and Wonderful Age of AI (yes, There's a Chatbot)
From ACM Opinion

Peek Into the Weird and Wonderful Age of AI (yes, There's a Chatbot)

On March 23, Microsoft revealed Tay, a Twitter bot trained to chat like a millennial. It worked … too well.

Will Robot Cars Drive Traffic Congestion Off a Cliff?
From ACM Careers

Will Robot Cars Drive Traffic Congestion Off a Cliff?

Self-driving cars are expected to usher in a new era of mobility, safety, and convenience. The problem, say transportation researchers, is that people will use...

China's Virtual Reality Market Will Be Worth $8.5 Billion and Everyone Wants a Piece
From ACM Careers

China's Virtual Reality Market Will Be Worth $8.5 Billion and Everyone Wants a Piece

Hip-hop dancers, military marchers and daredevils in winged suits are bringing China's Internet titans into the world of virtual reality.

Nsf Grant Will Help Drones Track Wildlife
From ACM Careers

Nsf Grant Will Help Drones Track Wildlife

Northern Arizona University researchers have been awarded a U.S. National Science Foundation grant to develop an unmanned aerial vehicle to find animals in the...
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