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Britain Faces an AI Brain Drain as Tech Giants Raid Top ­niversities
From ACM Careers

Britain Faces an AI Brain Drain as Tech Giants Raid Top ­niversities

Britain faces an artificial intelligence "brain drain" as Silicon Valley raids its top universities for talent.

What Do Parents Think About Technology in the Classroom?
From ACM Careers

What Do Parents Think About Technology in the Classroom?

Fifty percent of parents believe coding and computer programming is the most beneficial subject to their child's future employability, a new survey found.

Schools Look to Shrink the Gender Gap in STEM Classes
From ACM Careers

Schools Look to Shrink the Gender Gap in STEM Classes

Educators and students are confronting what they say is a gender gap in high school STEM classes.

These Companies No Longer Require Employees to Have a College Degree
From ACM Careers

These Companies No Longer Require Employees to Have a College Degree

Tech giants Google, Apple, and IBM are among the 15 top employers that have said they no longer require applicants to have a college degree.

How AI Can Spot Exam Cheats and Raise Standards
From ACM Careers

How AI Can Spot Exam Cheats and Raise Standards

Technology is coming into the exam hall. A Coursera system takes images of students and verifies their identities. Plagiarism detectors scan essays to identify...

Anti-Immigrant Fervor Might Deter Tech's Future Leaders From Coming to America
From ACM Careers

Anti-Immigrant Fervor Might Deter Tech's Future Leaders From Coming to America

Andrew Moore, the dean of Carnegie Mellon University's computer science school, is concerned that anti-immigrant fervor will deter the next generation of great...

AI Is the Future–But Where Are the Women?
From ACM Careers

AI Is the Future–But Where Are the Women?

The numbers of men and women who had contributed work at three top machine learning conferences in 2017 suggest the group supposedly charting society's future is...

Serbia Turns to Tech Industry to Fight Economic Stagnation
From ACM Careers

Serbia Turns to Tech Industry to Fight Economic Stagnation

Robots Will Never Replace Teachers But Can Boost Children's Education
From ACM Careers

Robots Will Never Replace Teachers But Can Boost Children's Education

Researchers say current technical limitations mean that robots' role will largely be confined to that of teaching assistants or tutors.

To Win the AI Race, We Need More Humans
From ACM Opinion

To Win the AI Race, We Need More Humans

The United States is trying to develop a national strategy on artificial intelligence (AI) but is ignoring its single greatest advantage: many of the world's brightest...

Why Automation Is Creating a Bigger Need for Humans In the Tech Sector
From ACM Careers

Why Automation Is Creating a Bigger Need for Humans In the Tech Sector

Even as automation displaces more human workers, CEOs and hiring managers at tech companies are seeking a workforce heavy on something robots don't have.

Teaching the Programmers of Tomorrow
From ACM Careers

Teaching the Programmers of Tomorrow

Argonne National Laboratory's CodeGirls@Argonne Camp immerses seventh and eighth grade girls in computer science and introduces them to potential career paths in...

Programmers Need Ethics When Designing the Technologies that Influence People's Lives
From ACM Opinion

Programmers Need Ethics When Designing the Technologies that Influence People's Lives

Computing professionals are on the front lines of almost every aspect of the modern world.

Advocates Condemn Psych Techniques ­sed to Keep Kids Online
From ACM Careers

Advocates Condemn Psych Techniques ­sed to Keep Kids Online

Children's advocates want the American Psychological Association to condemn the tech industry's practice of using persuasive psychological techniques to keep kids...

AI Can Now Tell Your Boss What Skills You Lack – And How You Can Get Them
From ACM Careers

AI Can Now Tell Your Boss What Skills You Lack – And How You Can Get Them

Coursera has unveiled a machine learning tool that shows companies what skills their employees are acquiring from its classes and their level of expertise.

Inside the Boot Camp Reforming Teenage Hackers
From ACM Careers

Inside the Boot Camp Reforming Teenage Hackers

The program aims to offer young cybercriminals an alternative to jail and turn them into legit cyber pros.

­sing Smartphones During Lectures Leads to Lower Grades, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

­sing Smartphones During Lectures Leads to Lower Grades, Study Finds

Research found the distraction of smartphones might translate into a lower grade on the final exam for college students.

Engineer to Explore Impact of Social Robots and AI in Higher Education
From ACM Careers

Engineer to Explore Impact of Social Robots and AI in Higher Education

Alan Wagner of Penn State is investigating how social, artificially intelligent robots in higher education can foster and enforce ethical behavior and academic...

LeBron James Opens STEM-Based School For At-Risk Students In Ohio
From ACM Careers

LeBron James Opens STEM-Based School For At-Risk Students In Ohio

The I Promise School in Akron, Ohio, is a joint venture between the  LeBron James Family Foundation and Akron Public Schools. The school will give at-risk students...

CS­ Campuses Receive $7.1M to Support STEM Educators
From ACM Careers

CS­ Campuses Receive $7.1M to Support STEM Educators

Six California State University campuses earned U.S. National Science Foundation funding to support educational opportunities for math and science majors pursuing...
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