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Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It
From ACM News

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It

The nation's top-level intelligence office, the Director of National Intelligence, wants to find "the most accurate unconstrained face recognition algorithm."

China's Go Masters and Researchers Are Optimistic About the Country's AI Future
From ACM Careers

China's Go Masters and Researchers Are Optimistic About the Country's AI Future

After AlphaGo's historic victory against South Korean grandmaster Lee Sedol in March 2016, Go teacher Jianlun Qian felt a sense of impending crisis. He fretted...

The Virtual-Reality App That Turns Your Office Into a Vacation Paradise
From ACM Careers

The Virtual-Reality App That Turns Your Office Into a Vacation Paradise

The British writer Charles Lamb was no stranger to workplace-induced despair.

Is China Outsmarting America in A.i.?
From ACM Careers

Is China Outsmarting America in A.i.?

Sören Schwertfeger finished his postdoctorate research on autonomous robots in Germany, and seemed set to go to Europe or the United States, where artificial intelligence...

Meet the Nerds Coding Their Way Through the Afghanistan War
From ACM Careers

Meet the Nerds Coding Their Way Through the Afghanistan War

A disembodied voice sounded over a loudspeaker. "Incoming. Take cover," it warned to anyone within earshot. Then, the sirens began to wail.

When Hatred Goes Viral: Inside Social Media's Efforts to Combat Terrorism
From ACM News

When Hatred Goes Viral: Inside Social Media's Efforts to Combat Terrorism

On New Year's Eve in 2015 local and federal agents arrested a 26-year-old man in Rochester, N.Y., for planning to attack people at random later that night using...

Top Hacker Conference to Target Voting Machines
From ACM Careers

Top Hacker Conference to Target Voting Machines

Hackers will target American voting machines—as a public service, to prove how vulnerable they are. 

Earth-Observing Companies Push For More-Advanced Science Satellites
From ACM Careers

Earth-Observing Companies Push For More-Advanced Science Satellites

Never have so many private eyes looked down at Earth.

Google Cozies ­p to China With AI Secrets and a Game of Go
From ACM Careers

Google Cozies ­p to China With AI Secrets and a Game of Go

Google's latest effort to thaw relations with China involves an artificial intelligence pow-wow—and a few games of Go.

A Brief History of Seti@home
From ACM Careers

A Brief History of Seti@home

The year was 1999, and the people were going online. AOL, Compuserve,, and AltaVista loaded bit by bit after dial-up chirps, on screens across the world...

The Vr Future Is Here but No One Can Agree on a Name For It
From ACM Opinion

The Vr Future Is Here but No One Can Agree on a Name For It

At the VR keynote at Google's IO developer conference, a slide appeared on screen to start the morning's presentation. Clay Bavor, head of AR and VR for Google,...

Companies ­se Kidnap Insurance to Guard Against Ransomware Attacks
From ACM Careers

Companies ­se Kidnap Insurance to Guard Against Ransomware Attacks

Companies without cyber insurance are dusting off policies covering kidnap, ransom and extortion in the world's political hotspots to recoup losses caused by ransomware...

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the ­itimate Sequencer
From ACM News

A Chinese Genome Giant Sets Its Sights on the ­itimate Sequencer

The world's largest genetics research center isn't at Harvard or Stanford or even the NIH. It's a 20-mile drive from Hong Kong International Airport, in the bustling...

Why Google's Ceo Is Excited About Automating Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

Why Google's Ceo Is Excited About Automating Artificial Intelligence

Machine-learning experts are in short supply as companies in many industries rush to take advantage of recent strides in the power of artificial intelligence.

Biology Needs More Staff Scientists
From ACM Careers

Biology Needs More Staff Scientists

Most research institutions are essentially collections of independent laboratories, each run by principal investigators who head a team of trainees.

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future
From ACM Opinion

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future

One persistent criticism of Silicon Valley is that it no longer works on big, world-changing ideas.

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!
From ACM News

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!

If I asked you "how many computing devices do you own?" your mind will probably first jump to your PCs and laptops at home, and then to your smartphones and tablets...

Europe's Latest Billion-Dollar Startup Wants to Build the Matrix. Really.
From ACM Careers

Europe's Latest Billion-Dollar Startup Wants to Build the Matrix. Really.

A London-based software startup called Improbable is living up to its name.

Hpe Debuts Its Next-Gen Computer--Sans Much-Anticipated Memristors
From ACM Careers

Hpe Debuts Its Next-Gen Computer--Sans Much-Anticipated Memristors

Three years ago HPE (formerly Hewlett–Packard) laid out its vision for a radical redesign of the computer that would deliver hitherto unimaginable performance in...

Automation Will Have a Bigger Impact on Jobs in Smaller Cities
From ACM Careers

Automation Will Have a Bigger Impact on Jobs in Smaller Cities

The robot takeover will start in the smaller cities.
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