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Sidestepping the Thin Data Problem in National Security
From ACM Careers

Sidestepping the Thin Data Problem in National Security

A team of AI researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is exploring ways to work with a short supply of data to generate accurate conclusions in national...

Teen Invents $41 Smartwatch That Can Monitor, Treat Drug Overdoses
From ACM Careers

Teen Invents $41 Smartwatch That Can Monitor, Treat Drug Overdoses

Steve Dou, a California high school senior, created a smartwatch that measures a user's oxygen level, heart rate, and muscle movement to detect drug overdoses before...

Lab Forum to Focus on Machine Learning for Industry
From ACM Careers

Lab Forum to Focus on Machine Learning for Industry

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will hold the virtual Machine Learning for Industry Forum in August for participants and attendees from industry, research...

Promote Sustainability and Help Underserved Communities
From Communications of the ACM

Promote Sustainability and Help Underserved Communities

Sustainability is the greatest challenge threatening mankind. The U.N.'s Sustainable Development Goals promote solutions for this threat. Computing, through a series...

AI Experts Even More in Demand as Economy Opens Up
From ACM Careers

AI Experts Even More in Demand as Economy Opens Up

Demand for artificial intelligence experts is surging as the economy opens up and companies expand their use of the technology to enhance the customer experience...

Bad Software Sent U.K. Postal Workers to Jail
From ACM Careers

Bad Software Sent U.K. Postal Workers to Jail

The convictions of 39 U.K. Post Office employees have been overturned after a court determined their convictions where based on data from a flawed software system...

Which City Rates as Best Place to Work in Tech?
From ACM Careers

Which City Rates as Best Place to Work in Tech?

Tech professionals reportedly have been trading the San Francisco Bay Area for more inviting places to live for years. Where are they going?

Remote Workers Say Email Fatigue Is Worse Than Commuting
From ACM Careers

Remote Workers Say Email Fatigue Is Worse Than Commuting

The rising number of emails, messages, and video meetings associated with remote work is leading to a growing level of employee burnout and job dissatisfaction....

Can AI Help Create More Equitable Workplaces?
From ACM Careers

Can AI Help Create More Equitable Workplaces?

Can artificial intelligence and machine learning tools help build a more equitable workforce? New research offers some pointers.

Discerning Deep Fakes Digitally
From ACM Careers

Discerning Deep Fakes Digitally

Researchers have developed a forensic method based on a convolutional neural network that can effectively distinguish between natural images and computer-generated...

Five Google Data Centers Near Carbon-Free Energy Goal
From ACM Careers

Five Google Data Centers Near Carbon-Free Energy Goal

Five of Google's data centers are now running almost entirely on carbon-free 'clean' electricity.

Designing Healthy Diets With Computer Analysis
From ACM Careers

Designing Healthy Diets With Computer Analysis

A mathematical model for the interaction of bacteria in the gut could help design new probiotics and specially tailored diets to prevent diseases, researchers say...

A Tool for Navigating Complex Computer Instructions
From ACM Careers

A Tool for Navigating Complex Computer Instructions

Scientists from MIT CSAIL and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have come up with a tool that automatically generates compiler plugins for new processor...

Researchers Study How to Make Online Arguments Productive
From ACM Careers

Researchers Study How to Make Online Arguments Productive

University of Washington researchers surveyed people about online disagreements then developed design interventions that could make the discussions more productive...

Virtual Agents Match Humans in Role-Playing Practice of Leadership Skills
From ACM Careers

Virtual Agents Match Humans in Role-Playing Practice of Leadership Skills

A virtual human can be as effective as a real person in helping individuals practice leadership skills, according to researchers at the Human Interface Technology...

Google Researchers Boost Speech Recognition Accuracy With More Datasets
From ACM Careers

Google Researchers Boost Speech Recognition Accuracy With More Datasets

Researchers at Google Research and Google Brain achieved state-of-the-art or near state-of-the-art results with a speech recognition model trained on various publicly...

DOE Will Spend $10M on Research to Tame Massive Data Sets
From ACM Careers

DOE Will Spend $10M on Research to Tame Massive Data Sets

The U.S. Department of Energy will provide $10 million in funding on foundational research to address the challenges of managing and processing the increasingly...

IT Jobs Grew by 50,000 in March as Companies Invested in Cloud, Remote Work
From ACM TechNews

IT Jobs Grew by 50,000 in March as Companies Invested in Cloud, Remote Work

An recent analysis of federal jobs data found the IT field had its fourth straight month of job growth in March, with U.S. employers hiring 50,000 enterprise technology...

CS Students Create Customizable Search Engine for Young Learners
From ACM Careers

CS Students Create Customizable Search Engine for Young Learners

Computer science students from Johns Hopkins University and Georgia Institute of Technology created a search engine that tailors results to a user's reading level...

South Koreans Must Learn to Work Alongside Robots, Minister Says
From ACM Careers

South Koreans Must Learn to Work Alongside Robots, Minister Says

South Korean citizens must learn how to work alongside machines if they want to thrive in a post-pandemic world, says Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jae-kap...
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