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Free Online Course to Support Higher Education Faculty During Pandemic
From ACM Careers

Free Online Course to Support Higher Education Faculty During Pandemic

A free online course has been launched to help higher education faculty members and instructional staff who must teach remotely during the coronavirus pandemic....

Tech Leaders Launch Open Database of Scientific Articles to Fight Coronavirus
From ACM Careers

Tech Leaders Launch Open Database of Scientific Articles to Fight Coronavirus

Five organizations have released an open dataset of over 29,000 scientific articles in the hopes of spurring artificial intelligence experts to develop new techniques...

Coronavirus Heightens Risk of Cybercrime in the Workplace, Expert Warns
From ACM Careers

Coronavirus Heightens Risk of Cybercrime in the Workplace, Expert Warns

Heightened fear and anxiety related to COVID-19 makes people more vulnerable targets for cyber hackers, says Professor David Simpson at Virginia Tech.

Graphene Innovation Is Music To Your Ears
From ACM Careers

Graphene Innovation Is Music To Your Ears

GraphAudio is looking to commercialize graphene-based technology that could transform devices such as speakers, earbuds, headphones, and other audio technologies...

Gender Gap Narrows In Research and Innovation but Inequality Persists, Report Shows
From ACM Careers

Gender Gap Narrows In Research and Innovation but Inequality Persists, Report Shows

A global analysis reveals progress toward gender parity in research and innovation, but finds that women still trail men in the number of publication outputs, citations...

Robots, Smart Helmets Deployed in Coronavirus Fight
From ACM Careers

Robots, Smart Helmets Deployed in Coronavirus Fight

Robots and artificial intelligence are being deployed around the world in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Inverse Design Software Automates Design Process for Optical, Nanophotonic Structures
From ACM Careers

Inverse Design Software Automates Design Process for Optical, Nanophotonic Structures

Stanford University researchers are making available an inverse design codebase called SPINS that can help other researchers explore different design methodologies...

YouTube Science Videos Are Riddled With Scams, Plagiarism, and Misinformation
From ACM Careers

YouTube Science Videos Are Riddled With Scams, Plagiarism, and Misinformation

The site is a crucial tool for 'edutainment,' but it lacks quality control.

Grassroots Campaign Spurs Computer Science Education Bill
From ACM Careers

Grassroots Campaign Spurs Computer Science Education Bill

A bill championed in a grassroots campaign by C Spire would give all 463,000 elementary, middle, and high school students in Mississippi access to computer science...

Underrepresented Students Benefit More from 'Active Learning' in College STEM Courses
From ACM Careers

Underrepresented Students Benefit More from 'Active Learning' in College STEM Courses

Active Learning teaching techniques in undergraduate STEM courses can significantly narrow gaps in course performance between students who are overrepresented and...

Summit Supercomputer Identifies Drug Compounds That Could Combat Coronavirus
From ACM Careers

Summit Supercomputer Identifies Drug Compounds That Could Combat Coronavirus

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory used Summit, the world's most powerful supercomputer, to identify 77 small-molecule drug compounds that might be effective...

App With Machine Learning Will Provide Rapid At-Home Assessment of Coronavirus Risk
From ACM Careers

App With Machine Learning Will Provide Rapid At-Home Assessment of Coronavirus Risk

A coronavirus app coupled with a machine learning algorithm will soon enable an individual to get an at-home risk assessment based on how they feel and where they've...

Robot Uses Artificial Intelligence and Imaging to Draw Blood
From ACM Careers

Robot Uses Artificial Intelligence and Imaging to Draw Blood

Rutgers engineers have created a tabletop medical robot that combines artificial intelligence and near-infrared and ultrasound imaging to draw blood or insert catheters...

Majority of Promising AI Startups Are Still Based in the U.S.
From ACM Careers

Majority of Promising AI Startups Are Still Based in the U.S.

The most promising startups using artificial intelligence are U.S.-based companies working in the fields of health care, retail, and transportation, according to...

Top Computer Science Schools in 2020
From ACM Careers

Top Computer Science Schools in 2020

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020 features 601 of the world's top universities in computer science.

Computer Scientist Creates Art With the Help of AI
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientist Creates Art With the Help of AI

University of Texas at Dallas computer science Professor Kang Zhang is developing algorithms to generate unique images that mimic the artwork of Picasso, Pollock...

Which Software Jobs Will Be Automated Over the Next Decade?
From ACM Careers

Which Software Jobs Will Be Automated Over the Next Decade?

App development and software management are among the 14 jobs will be impacted by automation over the next 10 years, according to members of the Forbes Technology...

Coronavirus Jolts Tech Firms: Conferences, Earnings Affected
From ACM Careers

Coronavirus Jolts Tech Firms: Conferences, Earnings Affected

The coronavirus is continuing to wreak havoc on the global technology industry.

AI Tools Enhance Researchers' Output, Performance, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

AI Tools Enhance Researchers' Output, Performance, Study Finds

A new study published in Organization Science finds that the introduction of a tool with artificial intelligence capability did not displace scientists, but rather...

Tough Job Interviews Make Candidates More Likely to Take the Offer
From ACM Careers

Tough Job Interviews Make Candidates More Likely to Take the Offer

Job seekers tend to accept offers for professional and technical positions at a higher rate when job interviews are more challenging, Glassdoor data show.
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