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<i>u.s. News</i> Ranks ­ndergraduate Computer Engineering Programs 2018
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u.s. News Ranks ­ndergraduate Computer Engineering Programs 2018

U.S. News & World Report announced the 2018 Best Undergraduate Computer Engineering Programs at U.S. public colleges and universities.

As Amazon Pushes Forward With Robots, Workers Find New Roles
From ACM News

As Amazon Pushes Forward With Robots, Workers Find New Roles

Nissa Scott started working at the cavernous Amazon warehouse in southern New Jersey late last year, stacking plastic bins the size of small ottomans.

Computer Science Department Faculty Is Stretched Thin
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Department Faculty Is Stretched Thin

Georgia State University's Computer Science Department has experienced a sharp increase in enrollment for the fall semester, but its faculty and resources are stretched...

IBM and MIT Bet That Materials and Quantum Advances Will Supercharge AI
From ACM Careers

IBM and MIT Bet That Materials and Quantum Advances Will Supercharge AI

A new $240 million center at MIT may help advance the field of artificial intelligence by developing novel devices and materials to power the latest machine-learning...

Harvard's Dean of Undergrad Ed Visits Cs50, Tells Students Not to Cheat
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Harvard's Dean of Undergrad Ed Visits Cs50, Tells Students Not to Cheat

After a flood of cheating cases roiled Computer Science 50: "Introduction to Computer Science I" last year, Harvard's Dean of Undergraduate Education Jay M. Harris...

In a High-Tech World, Car Designers Still Rely on Clay
From ACM Careers

In a High-Tech World, Car Designers Still Rely on Clay

Car designers have every kind of software and virtual reality tool. But when they want to make sure a car's curves look just right, they rely on one of the world's...

How to Close the Gender Gap in Tech
From ACM Opinion

How to Close the Gender Gap in Tech

Why do so few women work in tech? It isn't that they can't do math or are biologically unsuited to the tasks.

Fear of Robots Taking Jobs Spurs a Bold Idea: Guaranteed Pay
From ACM Careers

Fear of Robots Taking Jobs Spurs a Bold Idea: Guaranteed Pay

Driverless trucks. Factory robots. Delivery drones. Virtual personal assistants.

How Retractions Hurt Scientists' Credibility
From ACM Careers

How Retractions Hurt Scientists' Credibility

Faulty research creates a significant drop in citations of a scientist's prior published work, a new study says. 

Tweets on Academic Papers 'mechanical and Devoid of Original Thought'
From ACM Careers

Tweets on Academic Papers 'mechanical and Devoid of Original Thought'

Academics are often encouraged to use social media sites to disseminate their research findings, but a new study says that most tweeting on academic research is...

Scanning the Future, Radiologists See Their Jobs at Risk
From ACM Careers

Scanning the Future, Radiologists See Their Jobs at Risk

In health care, you could say radiologists have typically had a pretty sweet deal.

The Myths and Realities of Studying Computer Science
From ACM Careers

The Myths and Realities of Studying Computer Science

An education in computers in Delhi schools tends not to prepare students for a career in computer science.

Putin: Leader in Artificial Intelligence Will Rule World
From ACM News

Putin: Leader in Artificial Intelligence Will Rule World

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that whoever reaches a breakthrough in developing artificial intelligence will come to dominate the world.

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Sponsors Teen Video Challenge
From ACM Careers

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Sponsors Teen Video Challenge

The winner of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a video competition to generate student interest in STEM fields, will be awarded a $250,000 scholarship, and his...

What I Learned at Gerrymandering Summer Camp
From ACM Opinion

What I Learned at Gerrymandering Summer Camp

At 6'5", Aaron Dennis towers over the whiteboard beside him.

One-Time Allies Sour on Joining Trump's Tech Team
From ACM Careers

One-Time Allies Sour on Joining Trump's Tech Team

Prsident Trump's victory caught Garrett Johnson—and the rest of humanity—by surprise.

The Myth of the Skills Gap
From ACM Opinion

The Myth of the Skills Gap

The contention that America's workers lack the skills employers demand is an article of faith among analysts, politicians, and pundits of every stripe, from conservative...

As Coding Boot Camps Close, the Field Faces a Reality Check
From ACM Careers

As Coding Boot Camps Close, the Field Faces a Reality Check

In the last five years, dozens of schools have popped up offering an unusual promise: Even humanities graduates can learn how to code in a few months and join the...

How the Voyager Golden Record Was Made
From ACM Opinion

How the Voyager Golden Record Was Made

We inhabit a small planet orbiting a medium-sized star about two-thirds of the way out from the center of the Milky Way galaxy—around where Track 2 on an LP record...

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings
From ACM News

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings

In the darkness of early morning on August 21, the guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with a tanker in the Strait of Malacca off Singapore.
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