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The Huge, ­nseen Operation Behind the Accuracy of Google Maps
From ACM Careers

The Huge, ­nseen Operation Behind the Accuracy of Google Maps

The maps we use to navigate have come a long way in a short time.

Baer's Odyssey: Meet the Serial Inventor Who Built the World's First Game Console
From ACM Opinion

Baer's Odyssey: Meet the Serial Inventor Who Built the World's First Game Console

Even if you're a devoted fan of video games, there's a decent chance you're not familiar with the name Ralph H. Baer.

Computers That Teach By Example
From ACM Careers

Computers That Teach By Example

MIT researchers have developed a pattern-recognition system that could improve human decision-making.

Hacked vs. Hackers: Game On
From ACM News

Hacked vs. Hackers: Game On

Paul Kocher, one of the country's leading cryptographers, says he thinks the explanation for the world's dismal state of digital security may lie in two charts.

How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
From ACM Opinion

How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition

Information technology is revolutionizing products. Once composed solely of mechanical and electrical parts, products have become complex systems that combine hardware...

How Sensors That Test Our Stress Could Revolutionize Product Design
From ACM Careers

How Sensors That Test Our Stress Could Revolutionize Product Design

What do Best Buy, the Blue Man Group and Google X have in common? They've all tapped Elliott Hedman and his sensors to help make their stuff better.

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind

He told the BBC: "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."

To Lure Young, Movie Theaters Shake, Smell and Spritz
From ACM News

To Lure Young, Movie Theaters Shake, Smell and Spritz

Having tried 3-D films, earsplitting sound systems and even alcohol sales in pursuit of younger moviegoers, some theater chains are now installing undulating seats...

Cockpit Automation Causes Pilots to Lose Critical Thinking Skills
From ACM Careers

Cockpit Automation Causes Pilots to Lose Critical Thinking Skills

New human factors/ergonomics research suggests that pilots' thinking skills are  vulnerable in today's automated cockpits.

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate
From ACM Opinion

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate

When "Captain Ridley's shooting party" gathered here in late August 1938 as weekend guests at Bletchley Park, a Buckinghamshire country house, they were accompanied...

Drone Pilot Wanted: Starting Salary $100,000
From ACM Careers

Drone Pilot Wanted: Starting Salary $100,000

Big companies, such as Amazon and Facebook, are looking for pilots who fly drones and engineers with experience in building the unmanned aircraft. And they are...

Venture Money Pours Into Robotics Startups
From ACM Careers

Venture Money Pours Into Robotics Startups

Robots are creating work for at least one kind of human: venture capitalists.

­S Regulators Move on Thought-Controlled Prosthetics
From ACM News

­S Regulators Move on Thought-Controlled Prosthetics

For the first time since accidents severed the neural connection between their brains and limbs, a small number of patients are reaching out and feeling the world...

How to Teach Self-Driving Cars Ethics of the Road
From ACM News

How to Teach Self-Driving Cars Ethics of the Road

A large truck speeding in the opposite direction suddenly veers into your lane.​

A 3-D, Talking Map Helps the Blind (and Everyone Else)
From ACM Careers

A 3-D, Talking Map Helps the Blind (and Everyone Else)

Developers at the University at Buffalo's IDeA Center and their partners have built and tested 3-D maps that vocalize building information and directions when touched...

Automation Makes ­S Dumb
From ACM Opinion

Automation Makes ­S Dumb

Artificial intelligence has arrived.

10 Hottest It Skills For 2015
From ACM Careers

10 Hottest It Skills For 2015

The pace of job growth in IT may be slowing down, but it's still moving at a strong clip.

Georgia Tech Professor Proposes Alternative to Turing Test
From ACM Careers

Georgia Tech Professor Proposes Alternative to Turing Test

Researcher Mark Riedl has developed a test to assess a computer's capacity for human-level intelligence through its ability to create rather than to converse...

Sonar-Assisted Human Navigation
From ACM Careers

Sonar-Assisted Human Navigation

An interdisciplinary team of students and professors have developed a novel way to help the visually impaired.

Google's Larry Page: The Most Ambitious Ceo in the ­niverse
From ACM Careers

Google's Larry Page: The Most Ambitious Ceo in the ­niverse

As Google's core business continues to thrive, Larry Page is making huge bets on new technology—ingestible nanoparticles, balloons that beam down broadband—that...
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