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Pentagon's 5,000-Strong Cyber Force Passes Key Operational Step
From ACM Careers

Pentagon's 5,000-Strong Cyber Force Passes Key Operational Step

A 5,000-person Pentagon force created to bolster military computer networks and initiate cyber attacks against terror groups should be ready to carry out its mission...

Phone Makers Could Cut Off Drivers. So Why Don't They?
From ACM Careers

Phone Makers Could Cut Off Drivers. So Why Don't They?

The court filings paint a grisly picture: As Ashley Kubiak sped down a Texas highway in her Dodge Ram truck, she checked her iPhone for messages.

What Are the Big Tech Companies Lobbying For This Election?
From ACM Careers

What Are the Big Tech Companies Lobbying For This Election?

When US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump take the stage at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York, for their first formal, head-to-head...

Google, Apple Are About to Face India's Security Demands
From ACM Careers

Google, Apple Are About to Face India's Security Demands

India's relationship with the global tech industry has become increasingly fraught.

Developing Scientific Computing Capabilities For the Workforce of Tomorrow
From ACM Careers

Developing Scientific Computing Capabilities For the Workforce of Tomorrow

The Scientific Computing 102 summer internship program at Brookhaven National Laboratory prepared college students for the big data challenges facing researchers...

Hardware Giants Hope the Past Can Save Their Future
From ACM Careers

Hardware Giants Hope the Past Can Save Their Future

HP. Dell. EMC. Intel. The giants of computer hardware aren't what they were ten years ago.

This Is How Sports Teams Choose Their Tech Gear
From ACM Careers

This Is How Sports Teams Choose Their Tech Gear

Since at least the 1930s, according to baseball historians, Major League Baseball clubs have kept phones in their dugouts and bullpens.

Microsoft Wants Autistic Coders. Can It Find Them And Keep Them?
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Wants Autistic Coders. Can It Find Them And Keep Them?

Job interviews can be especially hard for someone with autism. A Microsoft effort aimed at a wider spectrum of the workforce wants to solve that.

Cyber Skills in High Demand Well Into the Future
From ACM Careers

Cyber Skills in High Demand Well Into the Future

The cybersecurity job market is wide open — if you have the skills. If you don't, there are plenty of opportunities to get up to speed and perhaps boost future...

How Apple Helped Create Ireland's Economies, Real and Fantastical
From ACM Careers

How Apple Helped Create Ireland's Economies, Real and Fantastical

There are two equally valid, yet seemingly incompatible, ways of viewing Apple Computer's relationship with Ireland.

Perovskite Research Discoveries May Lead to Solar Cell, Led Advances
From ACM Careers

Perovskite Research Discoveries May Lead to Solar Cell, Led Advances

New research on organolead mixed-halide perovskites investigates how the material's composition affect its chemistry, moisture stability, and transport properties...

Does the Messaging Service Telegram Take Privacy Too Far?
From ACM News

Does the Messaging Service Telegram Take Privacy Too Far?

The encryption of digital information is considered the best protection against hackers, snoops or potential enemies looking to poke around into private exchanges...

The Fbi's Latest Mission: Be Cool Enough to Recruit Hackers
From ACM Careers

The Fbi's Latest Mission: Be Cool Enough to Recruit Hackers

The FBI has struggled for years to attract enough fresh hacker talent to defend America's computers.

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything on a Smartphone
From ACM News

How Spy Tech Firms Let Governments See Everything on a Smartphone

Want to invisibly spy on 10 iPhone owners without their knowledge? Gather their every keystroke, sound, message and location?

Baidu Follows US Tech Giants and Open Sources Its Deep Learning Tools
From ACM Careers

Baidu Follows US Tech Giants and Open Sources Its Deep Learning Tools

Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon have all done it—and now Baidu's doing it, too.

This Is Your Company on Blockchain
From ACM Careers

This Is Your Company on Blockchain

You don't have to be an expert on digital currencies like bitcoin to be intrigued by the potential of the technology underlying them. Blockchain, as it’s called...

Revealed: Google's Plan For Quantum Computer Supremacy
From ACM Careers

Revealed: Google's Plan For Quantum Computer Supremacy

Somewhere in California, Google is building a device that will usher in a new era for computing.

Can You Hear Me Now? Spotty Reception in the Heart of Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Can You Hear Me Now? Spotty Reception in the Heart of Silicon Valley

My phone connection kept dropping out, which didn’t make sense because I was in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Pay Attention! Tesla's Autopilot Will Lock Out Lackadaisical Drivers
From ACM Careers

Pay Attention! Tesla's Autopilot Will Lock Out Lackadaisical Drivers

Driver-assist functions are coming quickly these days.

G.e., the 124-Year-Old Software Start-­p
From ACM Careers

G.e., the 124-Year-Old Software Start-­p

It may not qualify as a lightning-bolt eureka moment, but Jeffrey R. Immelt, chief executive of General Electric, recalls the June day in 2009 that got him thinking...
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