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What Are Silicon Valley's Highest-Paying Tech Jobs?
From ACM Careers

What Are Silicon Valley's Highest-Paying Tech Jobs?

Product management, reliability, and security jobs pay the most in Silicon Valley, says job search firm Indeed.

A Look at the Facebook Bug Bounty Program in 2018
From ACM Careers

A Look at the Facebook Bug Bounty Program in 2018

Facebook awarded over $1.1M to researchers from more than 100 countries in 2018 as part of its bug bounty program.

The Robots Have Descended on Trump Country
From ACM Opinion

The Robots Have Descended on Trump Country

The growing use of work robots and the deployment of artificial intelligence have been most disruptive in just those areas of the country that provided President...

The Key to Cracking Long-Dead Languages
From ACM News

The Key to Cracking Long-Dead Languages

Broken and scorched black by fire, the dense, wedge-shaped marks etched into the ancient clay tablets are only just visible under the soft light at the British...

Nine Charts That Really Bring Home Just How Fast AI Is Growing
From ACM Careers

Nine Charts That Really Bring Home Just How Fast AI Is Growing

With so much hype surrounding artificial intelligence today, it can be difficult to know where things actually stand. Fortunately, a report (.pdf) issued by a group...

Inside Huawei's Secret HQ, China Is Shaping the Future
From ACM News

Inside Huawei's Secret HQ, China Is Shaping the Future

The surprise arrest of Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of Huawei Technologies Co., has thrust the company into a political firestorm and deepened a core threat...

Europe's AI researchers Launch Professional Body Over Fears of Falling Behind
From ACM Careers

Europe's AI researchers Launch Professional Body Over Fears of Falling Behind

Some of Europe's top machine-learning researchers have founded an organization to strengthen capacity in artificial intelligence (AI) technology on the continent...

Europe's Influence Over ­.S. Tech Was More Formidable Than Ever in 2018
From ACM News

Europe's Influence Over ­.S. Tech Was More Formidable Than Ever in 2018

The influence of the biggest US tech companies is as powerful in Europe as anywhere else in the world. But what sets Europe apart is that the relationship is, to...

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age

ACM named 56 members as 2018 ACM Fellows for their significant contributions in areas including computer architecture, mobile networks, robotics, and systems security...

An Inside Look at Apple's Biggest Step Yet in Health Care
From ACM Careers

An Inside Look at Apple's Biggest Step Yet in Health Care

Captain America and Black Panther were about to defend Earth from the villain Thanos when Kevin Foley first noticed something was wrong.

How One AI Startup Decided to Embrace Military Work, Despite Controversy
From ACM Careers

How One AI Startup Decided to Embrace Military Work, Despite Controversy

A few years ago, Clarifai, a five-year old startup that makes image-recognition software, held a discussion among its workers about two kinds of controversial business...

More Than an Auto-Pilot, AI Charts Its Course in Aviation
From ACM News

More Than an Auto-Pilot, AI Charts Its Course in Aviation

Ask anyone what they think of when the words "artificial intelligence" and aviation are combined, and it's likely the first things they'll mention are drones.

The Friendship That Made Google Huge
From ACM News

The Friendship That Made Google Huge

One day in March of 2000, six of Google's best engineers gathered in a makeshift war room.

CRISPR Inventor Feng Zhang Calls for Moratorium on Gene-Edited Babies
From ACM Opinion

CRISPR Inventor Feng Zhang Calls for Moratorium on Gene-Edited Babies

Feng Zhang, one of the inventors of the gene-editing technique CRISPR, has called for a global moratorium on using the technology to create gene-edited babies. ...

 Inspired by Sci-Fi, an Airplane with No Moving Parts and a Blue Ionic Glow
From ACM Opinion

Inspired by Sci-Fi, an Airplane with No Moving Parts and a Blue Ionic Glow

Since their invention more than 100 years ago, airplanes have been moved through the air by the spinning surfaces of propellers or turbines.

You Will Be Replaced. Here's How
From ACM News

You Will Be Replaced. Here's How

Route 9 skims by Boston and cuts clear across Massachusetts to Pittsfield, a city of roughly 50,000, the largest in Berkshire County.

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions
From ACM Careers

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions

Some of the most critical work in advancing China's technology goals takes place in a former cement factory in the middle of the country's heartland, far from the...

Video Games Are Now So Beautiful Players Are Spending Hours Framing Stunning Works of Internet Art
From ACM Careers

Video Games Are Now So Beautiful Players Are Spending Hours Framing Stunning Works of Internet Art

To capture the perfect lighting, Rasmus Furbo directed Spider-Man to crouch on top of a queen-size bed.

How Will We Outsmart A.I. Liars?
From ACM Opinion

How Will We Outsmart A.I. Liars?

During the summer before the 2016 presidential election, John Seymour and Philip Tully, two researchers with ZeroFOX, a security company in Baltimore, unveiled...

The Ingredients Powering the DOD's New Nonlethal Weapons
From ACM Careers

The Ingredients Powering the DOD's New Nonlethal Weapons

We may never know whether Cuba attacked American diplomats with microwave weapons—but we do know similar devices exist.
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