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Lawful Hacking: Should, or Can, the Fbi Learn to Overcome Encryption Itself?
From ACM Careers

Lawful Hacking: Should, or Can, the Fbi Learn to Overcome Encryption Itself?

U.S. lawmakers Tuesday once again brought Apple, the FBI, security experts and law enforcement officials to testify on the ongoing debate over encryption and the...

Apple Refused China Request For Source Code in Last Two Years: Lawyer
From ACM Careers

Apple Refused China Request For Source Code in Last Two Years: Lawyer

Apple Inc has been asked by Chinese authorities within the last two years to hand over its source code but refused, the company's top lawyer told lawmakers on Tuesday...

You Pay to Read Research You Fund. That's Ludicrous
From ACM Opinion

You Pay to Read Research You Fund. That's Ludicrous

In 2011, developer and researcher Alexandra Elbakyan launched Sci-Hub, an online archive that shares research articles freely and openly without paywalls or restrictions...

Artificial Intelligence For Everyday ­se: Coming Soon
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Artificial Intelligence For Everyday ­se: Coming Soon

Real-world artificial-intelligence applications are popping up in unexpected places—and much sooner than you might think.

All Hail Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, King of the Bots
From ACM Opinion

All Hail Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, King of the Bots

Mark Zuckerberg was once the boy king of Silicon Valley. Now he wants to be the bot king of Silicon Valley.

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry
From ACM News

Arms Control Groups ­rge Human Control of Robot Weaponry

Two international arms control groups on Monday issued a report that called for maintaining human control over a new generation of weapons that are increasingly...

Billing by Millionths of Pennies, Cloud Computing's Giants Take In Billions
From ACM Careers

Billing by Millionths of Pennies, Cloud Computing's Giants Take In Billions

Imagine building an enormous beach resort, maybe the best in the world.

System Helps Aircraft Automatically Avoid Mid-Air Collisions
From ACM Careers

System Helps Aircraft Automatically Avoid Mid-Air Collisions

DARPA has successful tested a shoebox-sized, plug-and-play system designed to enable manned and unmanned aircraft to automatically detect nearby aircraft and avoid...

Our Top 5 Wacky Nasa Missions that Might Just Happen
From ACM Careers

Our Top 5 Wacky Nasa Missions that Might Just Happen

Meet the space technologies of tomorrow—or maybe a decade after that.

Search For New Medical Treatments Zeroes in on Genetic Superheroes
From ACM Careers

Search For New Medical Treatments Zeroes in on Genetic Superheroes

The hunt is on for people who are healthy—even though their genes say they shouldn't be.

Universities Aren't Doing Enough to Train the Cyberdefenders America Desperately Needs
From ACM Careers

Universities Aren't Doing Enough to Train the Cyberdefenders America Desperately Needs

The threat of hacking seems to lurk around every corner, but American universities may not be doing enough to prepare the next generation of cyberdefenders.

Dear Silicon Valley: The Pentagon Has Sent You a Friend Request
From ACM Careers

Dear Silicon Valley: The Pentagon Has Sent You a Friend Request

When Defense Secretary Ashton Carter first spoke about the Pentagon's startup in Silicon Valley, the former Harvard physicist said he had great expectations.

Why the Nba Slapped the Wrist of Matthew Dellavedova
From ACM Careers

Why the Nba Slapped the Wrist of Matthew Dellavedova

Something seemed off about Cleveland Cavaliers point guard Matthew Dellavedova during last Thursday night's game against the Brooklyn Nets.

Technology Gone Wild
From ACM Opinion

Technology Gone Wild

Birding — the amateur pursuit of watching and monitoring bird populations — is a big deal. The numbers back it up.

Ornl Demos 20-Kw Wireless Charging For Vehicles
From ACM Careers

Ornl Demos 20-Kw Wireless Charging For Vehicles

A 20-kilowatt wireless charging system demonstrated at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has achieved 90 percent efficiency at three times the rate of the plug-in systems...

Controversial Dark-Matter Claim Faces ­ltimate Test
From ACM News

Controversial Dark-Matter Claim Faces ­ltimate Test

It is the elephant in the room for dark-matter research: a claimed detection that is hard to believe, impossible to confirm and surprisingly difficult to explain...

Hacker-For-Hire Market Is Booming, Says New Report
From ACM Careers

Hacker-For-Hire Market Is Booming, Says New Report

It's becoming cheaper than ever to buy hacking tools online.

Say What You See, Facebook
From ACM Careers

Say What You See, Facebook

When Matt King signed up for Facebook, in 2009, he had been completely blind for nearly twenty years.

Microsoft Strikes Partnership With Banks on Blockchain Tech
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Strikes Partnership With Banks on Blockchain Tech

Microsoft Inc. has pulled ahead of Alphabet Inc.'s Google, International Business Machines Corp., and Inc. in the race for supremacy in operating other...

Flagship Brain Project Releases Neuro-Computing Tools
From ACM Careers

Flagship Brain Project Releases Neuro-Computing Tools

Europe's major brain-research project has unveiled a set of prototype computing tools and called on the global neuroscience community to start using them.
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