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The Knight With 'The Most Fun Job'
From ACM Careers

The Knight With 'The Most Fun Job'

Steve Cowley assumed his position as director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory on July 1. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth...

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age

ACM named 56 members as 2018 ACM Fellows for their significant contributions in areas including computer architecture, mobile networks, robotics, and systems security...

How One AI Startup Decided to Embrace Military Work, Despite Controversy
From ACM Careers

How One AI Startup Decided to Embrace Military Work, Despite Controversy

A few years ago, Clarifai, a five-year old startup that makes image-recognition software, held a discussion among its workers about two kinds of controversial business...

Support Group: A Place Where Other Employees 'Get It'
From ACM Careers

Support Group: A Place Where Other Employees 'Get It'

Theresa Rolfe started a support group at Sandia Labs where employees can discuss family and friends' struggles with addiction.

Dress Measures How Many Times the Wearer Was Groped
From ACM Careers

Dress Measures How Many Times the Wearer Was Groped

The Dress For Respect, a garment for the #MeToo era, has sensors sewn in that measure where on the body, and when, the wearer is touched.

With Amazon Coming, Virginia Schools Look to Boost Computer Education
From ACM Careers

With Amazon Coming, Virginia Schools Look to Boost Computer Education

With Amazon planning to place a new headquarters in Northern Virginia, educational institutions in the area are preparing to help address an ongoing shortage of...

Accenture Expands Hour of Code Tutorial to 15 Languages
From ACM Careers

Accenture Expands Hour of Code Tutorial to 15 Languages

For Computer Science Education Week, Accenture is expanding its Hour of Code introductory computer science tutorial to 15 languages.

Penn State to Help Broaden Participation in STEM Fields
From ACM Careers

Penn State to Help Broaden Participation in STEM Fields

Penn State University, Norfolk State University, and Tidewater Community College will form a nanotechnology education coalition to address the underrepresentation...

­niversity Pairs Liberal Arts with Computer Science in New Degree Program
From ACM Careers

­niversity Pairs Liberal Arts with Computer Science in New Degree Program

Dominican University of California announced a new degree program that pairs a liberal arts or pre-professional degree with a computer science minor.

Top ­.S. Technology ­niversities Lose Ground in Computer Science and Engineering
From ACM Careers

Top ­.S. Technology ­niversities Lose Ground in Computer Science and Engineering

The University of Oxford rose and three prestigious U.S. universities fell in Times Higher Education's latest rankings of the world's top computer science and engineering...

CRISPR Inventor Feng Zhang Calls for Moratorium on Gene-Edited Babies
From ACM Opinion

CRISPR Inventor Feng Zhang Calls for Moratorium on Gene-Edited Babies

Feng Zhang, one of the inventors of the gene-editing technique CRISPR, has called for a global moratorium on using the technology to create gene-edited babies. ...

Samsung to Hire 1,000 Engineers from India's Top Tech Colleges
From ACM Careers

Samsung to Hire 1,000 Engineers from India's Top Tech Colleges

Samsung plans to hire close to 1,000 engineers from India's top technology colleges in 2019 as it continues to bolster its R&D facilities there.

Student Group Explores the Ethical Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

Student Group Explores the Ethical Dimensions of Artificial Intelligence

The MIT AI Ethics Reading Group was founded by students who saw firsthand how technology developed with good intentions could be problematic.

China Expands Research Funding, Luring ­.S. Scientists And Students
From ACM Careers

China Expands Research Funding, Luring ­.S. Scientists And Students

In 2003, Jay Siegel was up for a new challenge. Siegel was a tenured professor of chemistry at the University of California, San Diego, but he took a job at the...

Apple Launches App Development Program to Support Women Entrepreneurs
From ACM Careers

Apple Launches App Development Program to Support Women Entrepreneurs

The Apple Entrepreneur Camp aims to help app-driven businesses owned or led by women leverage their technology through a series of intensive labs, specialized support...

You Will Be Replaced. Here's How
From ACM News

You Will Be Replaced. Here's How

Route 9 skims by Boston and cuts clear across Massachusetts to Pittsfield, a city of roughly 50,000, the largest in Berkshire County.

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions
From ACM Careers

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions

Some of the most critical work in advancing China's technology goals takes place in a former cement factory in the middle of the country's heartland, far from the...

Film and Television Tell Children Who Can Be Scientists
From ACM Careers

Film and Television Tell Children Who Can Be Scientists

The portrayal of STEM jobs in U.S. film and television largely reinforces the narrative that scientists are white men, according to a study by the Geena Davis Institute...

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses
From ACM TechNews

AI Is Watching Employee Expenses

AppZen has developed an artificial intelligence program that can identify dubious work expense claims and educate employees about travel and expense policies.

INCITE Grants Awarded to 62 Computational Research Projects
From ACM Careers

INCITE Grants Awarded to 62 Computational Research Projects

The U.S. Department of Energy announced 62 projects for 2019 aimed at addressing some of the world's most challenging science problems through its Innovative and...
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