From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Switzerland in October will host the world's inaugural Cybathlon, with 50 teams participating in sporting events to showcase bionic technologies. BBC News From ACM TechNews | September 14, 2016
I found myself on a desolate desert road, in front of a man who was leaning against the hood of a banged-up sedan and next to a United States Border Patrol agent...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | September 14, 2016
The Scientific Computing 102 summer internship program at Brookhaven National Laboratory prepared college students for the big data challenges facing researchers...Brookhaven National Laboratory From ACM Careers | September 14, 2016
Silicon Valley is creating a crash course in self-driving car technology to address a shortage of engineers with help from a startup in a different field: online...Reuters From ACM Careers | September 13, 2016
The cybersecurity job market is wide open — if you have the skills. If you don't, there are plenty of opportunities to get up to speed and perhaps boost future...IEEE Media Recruitment Services From ACM Careers | September 8, 2016
There are two equally valid, yet seemingly incompatible, ways of viewing Apple Computer's relationship with Ireland.The New Yorker From ACM Careers | September 7, 2016
The FBI has struggled for years to attract enough fresh hacker talent to defend America's computers.The Washington Post From ACM Careers | September 6, 2016
My phone connection kept dropping out, which didn’t make sense because I was in the heart of Silicon Valley.The New York Times From ACM Careers | August 30, 2016
Most of the world's mathematicians fall into just 24 scientific 'families', one of which dates back to the fifteenth century.Nature From ACM Careers | August 26, 2016
Internauts, today we celebrate this glorious technology that brings us all together! On August 23, 1991--25 years ago today--the public gained access for the first...CNET From ACM News | August 23, 2016
When president-elect Barack Obama chose physicist John Holdren as his top science adviser in December 2008, some biomedical researchers worried that the pick signalled...Nature From ACM Opinion | August 22, 2016
To do science, scientists need money—and usually a lot of it because specialized equipment and tools don’t come cheap.Scientific American From ACM Careers | August 22, 2016
Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | August 15, 2016
A group of recent studies on technology in education gives a sense that, even as computers become ubiquitous in classrooms, there's a lot we still don't know or...NPR From ACM Careers | August 11, 2016
NetDragon Websoft Holdings, a hack-and-slash video-game maker, is an unlikely candidate to transform learning via headset-mounted virtual reality teachers.The Japan Times From ACM Careers | August 10, 2016
Emmett Brewer is no taller than the lectern on the stage, so he stands to the side of it to deliver his presentation. He's got a Dennis the Menace hairdo and he's...CNET From ACM Careers | August 8, 2016