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Cybathlon: World's First 'bionic Olympics' Gears ­p
From ACM TechNews

Cybathlon: World's First 'bionic Olympics' Gears ­p

Switzerland in October will host the world's inaugural Cybathlon, with 50 teams participating in sporting events to showcase bionic technologies. 

The Time I Went on Border Patrol in a Virtual Reality World
From ACM Opinion

The Time I Went on Border Patrol in a Virtual Reality World

I found myself on a desolate desert road, in front of a man who was leaning against the hood of a banged-up sedan and next to a United States Border Patrol agent...

Developing Scientific Computing Capabilities For the Workforce of Tomorrow
From ACM Careers

Developing Scientific Computing Capabilities For the Workforce of Tomorrow

The Scientific Computing 102 summer internship program at Brookhaven National Laboratory prepared college students for the big data challenges facing researchers...

Silicon Valley Online Course to Mint Self-Driving Car Engineers
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Online Course to Mint Self-Driving Car Engineers

Silicon Valley is creating a crash course in self-driving car technology to address a shortage of engineers with help from a startup in a different field: online...

Nasa Ran a Treasure Hunt For Robots to Develop Space Exploration Tech
From ACM Careers

Nasa Ran a Treasure Hunt For Robots to Develop Space Exploration Tech

Over the past few days, a bunch of robots have taken part in a very serious treasure hunt.

The Rise of the Drone, and the Thorny Questions that Have Followed
From ACM News

The Rise of the Drone, and the Thorny Questions that Have Followed

Today in the skies over New Mexico, Air Force students are practicing for the kill.

Cyber Skills in High Demand Well Into the Future
From ACM Careers

Cyber Skills in High Demand Well Into the Future

The cybersecurity job market is wide open — if you have the skills. If you don't, there are plenty of opportunities to get up to speed and perhaps boost future...

How Apple Helped Create Ireland's Economies, Real and Fantastical
From ACM Careers

How Apple Helped Create Ireland's Economies, Real and Fantastical

There are two equally valid, yet seemingly incompatible, ways of viewing Apple Computer's relationship with Ireland.

The Fbi's Latest Mission: Be Cool Enough to Recruit Hackers
From ACM Careers

The Fbi's Latest Mission: Be Cool Enough to Recruit Hackers

The FBI has struggled for years to attract enough fresh hacker talent to defend America's computers.

Three Grand Challenges For Brain Science That Can Be Solved in 10 Years
From ACM Careers

Three Grand Challenges For Brain Science That Can Be Solved in 10 Years

One of the great scientific challenges is to understand the human brain.

Can You Hear Me Now? Spotty Reception in the Heart of Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Can You Hear Me Now? Spotty Reception in the Heart of Silicon Valley

My phone connection kept dropping out, which didn’t make sense because I was in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Majority of Mathematicians Hail from Just 24 Scientific 'families'
From ACM Careers

Majority of Mathematicians Hail from Just 24 Scientific 'families'

Most of the world's mathematicians fall into just 24 scientific 'families', one of which dates back to the fifteenth century.

Happy 25th Birthday to the World Wide Web
From ACM News

Happy 25th Birthday to the World Wide Web

Internauts, today we celebrate this glorious technology that brings us all together! On August 23, 1991--25 years ago today--the public gained access for the first...

Obama's Science Legacy: Betting Big on Biomedical Science
From ACM Opinion

Obama's Science Legacy: Betting Big on Biomedical Science

When president-elect Barack Obama chose physicist John Holdren as his top science adviser in December 2008, some biomedical researchers worried that the pick signalled...

Maker Movement Turns Scientists Into Tinkerers
From ACM Careers

Maker Movement Turns Scientists Into Tinkerers

To do science, scientists need money—and usually a lot of it because specialized equipment and tools don’t come cheap.

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs
From ACM Opinion

The Brave New World of Robots and Lost Jobs

Job insecurity is a central theme of the 2016 campaign, fueling popular anger about trade deals and immigration. But economists warn that much bigger job losses...

Caution Flags For Tech In Classrooms
From ACM Careers

Caution Flags For Tech In Classrooms

A group of recent studies on technology in education gives a sense that, even as computers become ubiquitous in classrooms, there's a lot we still don't know or...

Chinese Tech Firms Forced to Choose Market: Home or Everywhere Else
From ACM Careers

Chinese Tech Firms Forced to Choose Market: Home or Everywhere Else

For teenagers who like to sing along with Ariana Grande and Flo Rida, is a must-have.

Chinese Testing Virtual Reality Classrooms and Computer-Based Adaptive Teaching
From ACM Careers

Chinese Testing Virtual Reality Classrooms and Computer-Based Adaptive Teaching

NetDragon Websoft Holdings, a hack-and-slash video-game maker, is an unlikely candidate to transform learning via headset-mounted virtual reality teachers.

Don't Baby These Kid Hackers
From ACM Careers

Don't Baby These Kid Hackers

Emmett Brewer is no taller than the lectern on the stage, so he stands to the side of it to deliver his presentation. He's got a Dennis the Menace hairdo and he's...
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