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Speeding Up Extreme Big Brain Data Analysis
From ACM Careers

Speeding Up Extreme Big Brain Data Analysis

An interactive software tool lets brain researchers explore large-scale, high-res imaging to better understand connections in the brain.

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?
From ACM Careers

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?

"I like to drive cars," says Mark Reuss, product development chief at General Motors, "so this is a little funny."

How Activists Are Forcing the White House to Say Where It Stands on Encryption
From ACM Careers

How Activists Are Forcing the White House to Say Where It Stands on Encryption

A petition calling for President Obama to support strong encryption and "reject any law, policy or mandate" that would undermine digital security reached 100,000...

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game
From ACM Careers

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game

At 5:05 AM Sunday, long before the rest of Sunnyvale, California, will wake up, Yahoo's control room is packed.

The Gop Has a Tech Talent Problem It Might Not Solve
From ACM Careers

The Gop Has a Tech Talent Problem It Might Not Solve

Scott Walker's withdrawal from the 2016 presidential race last month was tough on staffers like Matt Oczkowski—as it turns out, tougher than he thought.

Former NSA Head's Cyber-Security Startup Raises $32.5 million
From ACM Careers

Former NSA Head's Cyber-Security Startup Raises $32.5 million

Former U.S. National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander's cyber security startup, IronNet Cybersecurity Inc, said on Monday it had raised $32.5 million in...

Google Turning Its Lucrative Web Search Over to AI Machines
From ACM News

Google Turning Its Lucrative Web Search Over to AI Machines

When Google-parent Alphabet Inc. reported eye-popping earnings last week its executives couldn’t stop talking up the company's investments in machine learning and...

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem
From ACM News

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem

It's safe to assume that most people have no idea that fonts, like music or movies, are protected by intellectual property laws, they usually come with a hefty...

Museum Specimens Find New Life Online
From ACM News

Museum Specimens Find New Life Online

In a brightly lit room on the third floor of the Museum of Natural History here, stacks of wooden drawers are covered in glass, some panes so dusty that it is difficult...

How One Austrian Student Took On American Tech Companies Over Privacy—and Won
From ACM Careers

How One Austrian Student Took On American Tech Companies Over Privacy—and Won

Earlier this month the European Union's top court struck down a major trade agreement that thousands of companies use to transfer Europeans' personal data to the...

Seeing Stars, Again: Naval Academy Reinstates Celestial Navigation
From ACM Careers

Seeing Stars, Again: Naval Academy Reinstates Celestial Navigation

The same techniques guided ancient Polynesians in the open Pacific and led Sir Ernest Shackleton to remote Antarctica, then oriented astronauts when the Apollo...

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip
From ACM News

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip

In August last year, IBM unveiled a chip designed to operate something like the neurons and synapses of the brain (see "IBM Chip Process Data Similar to the Way...

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work
From ACM Careers

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work

For all the jobs that machines can now do—whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food—they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social...

Automating Big-Data Analysis
From ACM Careers

Automating Big-Data Analysis

The 'Data Science Machine' developed by MIT researchers aims to find predictive patterns in raw data. The new system finished ahead of 615 of the 906 human teams...

Hacking For Security, and Getting Paid For It
From ACM Careers

Hacking For Security, and Getting Paid For It

It should come as no surprise that the Internet is riddled with holes.

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—and Invented Software Itself
From ACM Careers

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—and Invented Software Itself

Margaret Hamilton wasn't supposed to invent the modern concept of software and land men on the moon.

What Celebrities Can Teach Companies About Social Media
From ACM Opinion

What Celebrities Can Teach Companies About Social Media

Let's face it: Corporate America's social presence could use a celebrity makeover.

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score
From ACM News

Inside China's Plan to Give Every Citizen a Character Score

Where you go, what you buy, who you know, how many points are on your driving licence, how your pupils rate you.

New California Law Extends Privacy Rights to Electronic Data
From ACM Careers

New California Law Extends Privacy Rights to Electronic Data

California now requires police to get a court order before they can search messages, photos and other digital data stored on phones or company servers in the nation's...

Pilots Can't Stop Cockpit Video Forever
From ACM Careers

Pilots Can't Stop Cockpit Video Forever

It was after 11 p.m. on March 30, 2013, when the Alaska Department of Public Safety helicopter lifted off near Talkeetna, north of Anchorage, after rescuing a stranded...
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