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Using Engineer-Developed Models to Disrupt Human Trafficking
From ACM Careers

Using Engineer-Developed Models to Disrupt Human Trafficking

Mathematical models designed by systems engineers could help researchers gain critical insight into human trafficking operations and ways to reduce its frequency...

Want Free Coding Lessons? Twitch Makes It Happen in Real Time
From ACM Careers

Want Free Coding Lessons? Twitch Makes It Happen in Real Time

More programmers are taking to Twitch, a platform known for videogame livestreams, to share their work — or learn to be better programmers.

MIT's Josh Tenenbaum Receives 2019 MacArthur Fellowship
From ACM Careers

MIT's Josh Tenenbaum Receives 2019 MacArthur Fellowship

Josh Tenenbaum, a professor in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences who uses computer modeling to study human cognition, has been named a recipient...

College Examines Intersection of Jewish Religious Law and Technology
From ACM Careers

College Examines Intersection of Jewish Religious Law and Technology

The Jerusalem College of Technology has launched the Torah and Technology Research Center which will tackle ethical and halachic (Jewish religious law) issues presented...

Supercomputers Model the Universe's Building Blocks
From ACM Careers

Supercomputers Model the Universe's Building Blocks

Physicist Gaute Hagen uses Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Summit supercomputer to run advanced models of atomic nuclei to study their structures and interactions...

Using Light to Speed Up Computation
From ACM Careers

Using Light to Speed Up Computation

A new type of photonic integrated circuit called a PAXEL, for photonic accelerator, shows promise for high-speed, energy-efficient computing.

Predicting Women's Persistence in Computer Science and Technology Majors
From ACM Careers

Predicting Women's Persistence in Computer Science and Technology Majors

A new study examines factors predicting college persistence in computer science- and technology-related majors based on data from female high school students.

Tech Industry Leaders Name Skills in Highest Demand at Their Companies
From ACM TechNews

Tech Industry Leaders Name Skills in Highest Demand at Their Companies

Software development, data analytics, engineering, and artificial intelligence/machine learning are the most in-demand skills at organizations, according to the...

Machine Learning You Can Dance To
From ACM Careers

Machine Learning You Can Dance To

Grad student startup Samply uses algorithms to help music producers find the perfect sound.

Research Team to Study Information Latency With $7.5M DOD Grant
From ACM Careers

Research Team to Study Information Latency With $7.5M DOD Grant

The U.S. Department of Defense has tapped an interdisciplinary research team to study information latency and freshness in military Internet of Things systems with...

Computing Clubs Collaborate to Code for Social Good
From ACM Careers

Computing Clubs Collaborate to Code for Social Good

The CS+Social Good project at the College of William and Mary is part of a national movement that aims to use computer science and technological skills to address...

Algorithm Can Distinguish Cyberbullies from Normal Twitter Users
From ACM Careers

Algorithm Can Distinguish Cyberbullies from Normal Twitter Users

An international team of researchers has developed machine learning algorithms which can successfully identify bullies and aggressors on Twitter with 90 percent...

Companies Walking a Fine Line Between Innovation and Cybersecurity
From ACM Careers

Companies Walking a Fine Line Between Innovation and Cybersecurity

Company executives, business staff, and technology professionals have distinctly different views on where their organizations stand when it comes to cyber-readiness...

Debunking the Tech Founder Myth
From ACM Careers

Debunking the Tech Founder Myth

Silicon Valley is saturated with myths that overplay the role of the tech founder. The problem is that this all-American story of scrappy individualism is not consistent...

Facial Recognition System Will Improve Classroom Attendance, Chinese University Says
From ACM Careers

Facial Recognition System Will Improve Classroom Attendance, Chinese University Says

A university official says the facial recognition system will monitor attendence and determine if students are listening to lectures, checking their phones, or...

Specialized Training Benefits STEM Instructors and Students
From ACM Careers

Specialized Training Benefits STEM Instructors and Students

Binghamton University's research immersion program allows STEM students to use their classroom knowledge in research projects and gives research educators experience...

Help Wanted: U.S. Government Is Seeking Advice from Quantum Computing Experts
From ACM Careers

Help Wanted: U.S. Government Is Seeking Advice from Quantum Computing Experts

The U.S. Department of Energy is looking for experts to guide the White House and federal agencies through the weird world of quantum information science.

Computer Scientist David Gelernter Wants To Revolutionize Social Media
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientist David Gelernter Wants To Revolutionize Social Media

David Gelernter, a computer science professor at Yale, is concerned with the amount of power Facebook holds thanks to the data handed over to the social media giant...

Software Companies Follow the Skills, Locate Where Programmers Already Work
From ACM Careers

Software Companies Follow the Skills, Locate Where Programmers Already Work

Software companies are more likely to base their operations in locations where skilled potential recruits already work, say researchers from Lancaster University...

The Mathematikado: A Math-Inspired Parody
From ACM Careers

The Mathematikado: A Math-Inspired Parody

Michigan Tech's Laura Kasson Fiss and Andrew Fiss adapted an 1886 parody of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado" for a performance and lecture about faculty, students...
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