From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
A recent Corporate Executive Board report highlighted seven core technology and engineering functions that will experience growth over the next 15 years driven...Information Week From ACM TechNews | March 27, 2015
A report from the American Association of University Women warns that the gender gap in the technology sector is widening.SA Today From ACM TechNews | March 27, 2015
Facebook chief technology officer Mike Schroepfer turned 40 last month. He (just barely) blew out a row of 40 candles during a mini-celebration at company headquarters... From ACM Opinion | March 27, 2015
Thanks to recent advances in synthetic biology—a hybrid discipline of engineering and biology that makes possible the manipulation of DNA of microorganisms such...The Washington Post From ACM Careers | March 27, 2015
Earlier this week, researchers from Imperial College London announced that they had developed a way to make dialysis more effective for patients with kidney failure—inspired...The Atlantic From ACM Careers | March 20, 2015
DJ Patil was recently named the White House's deputy chief technology officer for data policy and chief data scientist, making him the first-ever national datacoined...Fivethirtyeight From ACM Opinion | March 20, 2015
Google is supporting a new pilot program from CODE2040 to foster tech startups led by minority entrepreneurs in three cities.USA Today From ACM TechNews | March 18, 2015
The 28-member Initiative on Women in Science and Engineering Working Group has developed a seven-point plan for achieving gender equity in science, technology,...Reuters From ACM TechNews | March 18, 2015
Social networks offer an incredible tool for tapping into the collective unconscious, a virtual Jungian arena in which competition might be expected to amplify...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | March 17, 2015
Some of the biggest hacking episodes of the last few years, from Target Corp. to Home Depot Inc., share a common thread. Microsoft Corp. platforms were involved...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | March 17, 2015
Cybercriminals targeting businesses are stealing more than customer passwords and credit-card numbers these days.The Wall Street Journal From ACM News | March 12, 2015
Phishing scams are so prevalent that some businesses have taken action by sending out fake phishing emails and educating employees who respond. Iowa State University From ACM Careers | March 11, 2015
Let me hazard a guess that you think a real person has written what you're reading. Maybe you're right. Maybe not.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 10, 2015