From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Britain's youngest suicide bomber. That is how the name Talha Asmal was introduced to the public last week.New Scientist From ACM Careers | June 18, 2015
Three-and-a-half years ago, a strange computing device appeared at an office building in the tiny farmland town of Shelby, Iowa.Wired From ACM News | June 18, 2015
Network scientists at Indiana University have developed a new computational method that can leverage any body of knowledge to aid in the complex human task of...Indiana University From ACM Careers | June 18, 2015
Over the course of the last two decades, Bryan Carter has built a small city. Well, it’s more of a neighborhood, really.The Atlantic From ACM Careers | June 17, 2015
A network analysis plugin helps urban planners and architects understand the social and economic consequences of city planning.MIT School of Architecture and Planning From ACM Careers | June 17, 2015
The U.S. government is considering policy changes that could dramatically affect how researchers handle equipment and information that have national-security implications...Nature From ACM Careers | June 17, 2015
Google's ambitions and investments have increasingly broadened beyond its digital origins in Internet search and online advertising into the arena of physical objects...The New York Times From ACM Careers | June 16, 2015
It started out as a controversial idea inside Facebook. In four short years, it has turned the $141 billion data-center computer-hardware industry on its head.Business Insider From ACM Careers | June 15, 2015
International Business Machines Corp. has thrown its weight behind Spark, an increasingly popular tool that is used to analyze large amounts of data in real time...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | June 15, 2015
A new study shows that mobile phone data can provide rapid insight into employment levels, precisely because people's communications patterns change when they...MIT News From ACM Careers | June 15, 2015
To get an idea of how the mobile Web is catapulting millions of people into the digital age by skipping landline connections, have a look at Vietnam.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | June 12, 2015
The U.S. government's widespread data surveillance practices are likely to cost U.S. cloud computing and other technology companies more money than originally expected...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | June 10, 2015
Ask the average Apple fan to make a list of the important moves the company has made in the past year or so, and the list will probably start with the Apple Watch...Bloomberg From ACM Careers | June 10, 2015
In an unusual twist on biometrics research, US computer scientists have joined with law-enforcement officials to find new ways to automatically detect tattoos on...Nature From ACM News | June 9, 2015
Apple wants its devices to know everything about you. But more than ever, it wants you to know that Apple doesn't know what those devices know.Wired From ACM Careers | June 9, 2015