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Google Really Is Trying to Build a Censored Chinese Search Engine, Its CEO Confirms
From ACM Careers

Google Really Is Trying to Build a Censored Chinese Search Engine, Its CEO Confirms

Google on Monday finally confirmed a secretive project that's been fueling an employee-led backlash for weeks at the company: an effort to build a version of its...

There May Soon Be Three Internets. America's Won't Necessarily Be the Best.
From ACM Opinion

There May Soon Be Three Internets. America's Won't Necessarily Be the Best.

In September, Eric Schmidt, the former Google chief executive and Alphabet chairman, said that in the next 10 to 15 years, the internet would most likely be split...

M.I.T. Plans College for Artificial Intelligence, Backed by $1 Billion
From ACM Careers

M.I.T. Plans College for Artificial Intelligence, Backed by $1 Billion

Every major university is wrestling with how to adapt to the technology wave of artificial intelligence—how to prepare students not only to harness the powerful...

The 50 Most Influential Living Computer Scientists
From ACM Careers

The 50 Most Influential Living Computer Scientists compiled a list of 50 mathematicians, logicians, and computer scientists who did most of the scientific spadework that laid the foundations for...

Reusable Software for High Performance Computing
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Reusable Software for High Performance Computing

Sunita Chandrasekaran of the University of Delaware has received an NSF grant to create a powerful software framework that can adapt scientific code to current...

Paper Describes Baidu Neural Net Approach to Match Job Openings With Candidates
From ACM TechNews

Paper Describes Baidu Neural Net Approach to Match Job Openings With Candidates

A team at the Chinese technology firm Baidu has presented a proposed neural network trained to analyze resumes to determine the best job candidates for openings...

Jeff Hawkins Is Finally Ready to Explain His Brain Research
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Hawkins Is Finally Ready to Explain His Brain Research

As Companies Embrace AI, It's a Job-Seeker's Market
From ACM Careers

As Companies Embrace AI, It's a Job-Seeker's Market

Dozens of employers looking to hire the next generation of tech employees descended on the University of California, Berkeley in September to meet students at an...

AIs Invent Weird New Limbs to Beat Virtual Obstacle Courses
From ACM News

AIs Invent Weird New Limbs to Beat Virtual Obstacle Courses

What are the best two legs for running an obstacle course? One leg that crawls at the knee joint, and one massive leg dragged behind for stability like a kangaroo's...

China's Huawei Takes Aim at Qualcomm, Nvidia With New AI Chips
From ACM Careers

China's Huawei Takes Aim at Qualcomm, Nvidia With New AI Chips

Huawei Technologies Co. has overtaken Apple Inc. in smartphones. Now it wants to take on some of America's largest technology companies in semiconductors.

Soldiers in Facebook's War on Fake News Are Feeling Overrun
From ACM Careers

Soldiers in Facebook's War on Fake News Are Feeling Overrun

The fictional news stories pop up on Facebook faster than Paterno Esmaquel II and his co-workers can stamp them out.

A Tech Boom in Pittsburgh Brings Hope and Angst
From ACM Careers

A Tech Boom in Pittsburgh Brings Hope and Angst

The city of Pittsburgh, the one-time steel capital that's long been a symbol of Rust-Belt decline, is emerging as a vibrant hub for artificial intelligence, robotics...

Painting Cars for Mars
From ACM News

Painting Cars for Mars

When John Campanella's friend wanted his beloved Ferrari painted, he knew exactly who to call.

Team Breaks Exaop Barrier With Deep Learning Application
From ACM Careers

Team Breaks Exaop Barrier With Deep Learning Application

A team of Berkeley Lab and ORNL computational scientists and Nvidia engineers has demonstrated an exascale-class deep learning application that has broken the exaop...

How Do You Find an Alien Ocean? Margaret Kivelson Figured It Out
From ACM Opinion

How Do You Find an Alien Ocean? Margaret Kivelson Figured It Out

The data was like nothing Margaret Kivelson and her team of physicists ever expected.

China Makes A Big Play In Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

China Makes A Big Play In Silicon Valley

A year ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping stood before the 19th Communist Party Congress and laid out his ambitious plan for China to become a world leader by 2025...

Why Pentagon Cloud-Computing Contract Is a Huge Deal
From ACM Careers

Why Pentagon Cloud-Computing Contract Is a Huge Deal

The U.S. Defense Department is running a winner-take-all competition to choose a cloud-computing company to host its trove of information, perhaps including top...

D-Wave Launches Free Quantum Cloud Service
From ACM Careers

D-Wave Launches Free Quantum Cloud Service

D-Wave joins IBM and Rigetti in offering access to quantum cloud services.

Brain-Inspired Architecture Could Improve How Computers Handle Data and Advance AI
From ACM Careers

Brain-Inspired Architecture Could Improve How Computers Handle Data and Advance AI

IBM researchers designed a new computer architecture with co-located memory and processing. In studies, their prototype ran 200 times faster than conventional computers...

Chinese Armed Drones Now Flying Across Mideast Battlefields
From ACM Careers

Chinese Armed Drones Now Flying Across Mideast Battlefields

High above Yemen's rebel-held city of Hodeida, a drone controlled by Emirati forces hovered as an SUV carrying a top Shiite Houthi rebel official turned onto a...
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