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The Jocks of Computer Code Do It For the Job Offers
From ACM Careers

The Jocks of Computer Code Do It For the Job Offers

At 21, Gennady Vladimirovich Korotkevich is already a legend. Tourist, as he's known online, is now the world's top sport programmer.

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat
From ACM Careers

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat

Who owns the biggest biotech advance of the century?

Disappearing Carbon Circuits on Graphene Could Have Security, Biomedical Uses
From ACM Careers

Disappearing Carbon Circuits on Graphene Could Have Security, Biomedical Uses

Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have demonstrated a technique for creating dynamic patterns on graphene surfaces.

The Return of Seti
From ACM Careers

The Return of Seti

For more than five decades, scientists of various stripes have been scanning the stars for technological civilizations, populated by thinking beings like us.

The World's Youngest Synthetic Biologists Show that the Future of Innovation Is in the Genes
From ACM Careers

The World's Youngest Synthetic Biologists Show that the Future of Innovation Is in the Genes

At the 12th annual iGEM Giant Jamboree this weekend in Boston—an event that its founder Randy Rettberg refers to as "the World Cup of science"—over 250 student-led...

Optical Rectenna — Combined Rectifier-Antenna — Converts Light to Dc Current
From ACM Careers

Optical Rectenna — Combined Rectifier-Antenna — Converts Light to Dc Current

Researchers have demonstrated the first optical rectenna, a device that combines the functions of an antenna and a rectifier diode to convert light directly into...

A Different Type of 2-D Semiconductor
From ACM Careers

A Different Type of 2-D Semiconductor

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have successfully grown atomically thin 2-D sheets of organic-inorganic hybrid...

Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips
From ACM News

Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips

At the inaugural International Solid-State Circuits Conference held on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1960, a young computer engineer...

Maths Whizz Solves a Master's Riddle
From ACM Careers

Maths Whizz Solves a Master's Riddle

A mathematical puzzle that resisted solution for more than 80 years — including computerized attempts to crack it — seems to have yielded to a single mathematician...

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science
From ACM News

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science

As the costs of genetic sequencing fall, oncologists are starting to prescribe expensive new drugs that target the genetic profiles of their patients' tumours,...

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?
From ACM News

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?

Tomorrow's Terrorist
From ACM Opinion

Tomorrow's Terrorist

Terrorism is a game of both revolution and evolution.

New Crypto Tool Makes Anonymous Surveys Truly Anonymous
From ACM Careers

New Crypto Tool Makes Anonymous Surveys Truly Anonymous

At the end of a semester teaching an undergraduate math course a few years ago, Cornell Tech researcher and crypto professor Rafael Pass asked his students to fill...

Nano-Trapped Molecules Are Potential Path to Quantum Devices
From ACM Careers

Nano-Trapped Molecules Are Potential Path to Quantum Devices

Single atoms or molecules imprisoned by laser light in a doughnut-shaped metal cage could unlock the key to advanced storage devices, computers, and high-resolution...

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology
From ACM News

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology

"We have this strange idea that dying is something we need to do."

Brynjolfsson and Mcafee: The Jobs that AI Can't Replace
From ACM Opinion

Brynjolfsson and Mcafee: The Jobs that AI Can't Replace

At the heart of capitalism is the concept of creative destruction.

Advanced Robotics on a Dime
From ACM Careers

Advanced Robotics on a Dime

The robotic butlers and sentries of sci-fi fantasies already roam our planet, but you can't have them—not yet.

How the Nfl—not the Nsa—is Impacting Data Gathering Well Beyond the Gridiron
From ACM News

How the Nfl—not the Nsa—is Impacting Data Gathering Well Beyond the Gridiron

As guards were going so far as to check inside NFL fans' wallets as part of routine security measures before a recent preseason game at Levi's Stadium, a different...

Building the Electron Superhighway
From ACM Careers

Building the Electron Superhighway

University of Vermont scientists have invented a way that allows electrons to flow faster and farther in organic semiconductors, which could open the door to...

Team Observes Mott Transition in a Superconductor
From ACM Careers

Team Observes Mott Transition in a Superconductor

An international team of researchers announced the observation of a dynamic Mott transition in a superconductor, a discovery that experimentally connects the worlds...
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