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Vietnam's Mobile Revolution Catapults Millions Into the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

Vietnam's Mobile Revolution Catapults Millions Into the Digital Age

To get an idea of how the mobile Web is catapulting millions of people into the digital age by skipping landline connections, have a look at Vietnam.

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing
From ACM News

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing

"Where am I?" In the real world, it's an easy question to answer. Online, things can get more complicated.

U.s. Surveillance Backlash Could Cost Tech Companies More Than $35 Billion By 2016
From ACM Careers

U.s. Surveillance Backlash Could Cost Tech Companies More Than $35 Billion By 2016

The U.S. government's widespread data surveillance practices are likely to cost U.S. cloud computing and other technology companies more money than originally expected...

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink
From ACM News

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink

In an unusual twist on biometrics research, US computer scientists have joined with law-enforcement officials to find new ways to automatically detect tattoos on...

Apple's Latest Selling Point: How Little It Knows About You
From ACM Careers

Apple's Latest Selling Point: How Little It Knows About You

Apple wants its devices to know everything about you. But more than ever, it wants you to know that Apple doesn't know what those devices know.

Connected Cows, Cars and Crockery Prod Chip Mega Mergers
From ACM Careers

Connected Cows, Cars and Crockery Prod Chip Mega Mergers

Chip companies are merging, signing $66 billion worth of deals this year alone in preparation for an explosion of demand from all walks of life as the next technological...

Who Wins in a Data Breach? Cybersecurity Firms–and Their Investors
From ACM Careers

Who Wins in a Data Breach? Cybersecurity Firms–and Their Investors

FireEye Inc., a Silicon Valley-based cybersecurity firm, held an analyst day on Wednesday, doing its best (as all companies do) to build its case for the Street...

Can the Swiss Watchmaker Survive the Digital Age?
From ACM Careers

Can the Swiss Watchmaker Survive the Digital Age?

Pim Koeslag designs and fabricates some of the world's most complicated mechanical timepieces.

Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team Is Barred From A.i. Competition
From ACM News

Computer Scientists Are Astir After Baidu Team Is Barred From A.i. Competition

A group of researchers at the Chinese web services company Baidu have been barred from participating in an international competition for artificial intelligence...

Crispr, the Disruptor
From ACM Careers

Crispr, the Disruptor

Three years ago, Bruce Conklin came across a method that made him change the course of his lab.

The Agency
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The Agency

Around 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 11 last year, Duval Arthur, director of the Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness for St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, got...

Getting 'physical' and Emotional in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Getting 'physical' and Emotional in Virtual Reality

If you think about virtual reality, you probably think of it as the place where gamers don an Oculus headset and go shoot up enemies in 3D or travel space.

'deep Learning' Will Soon Give ­S Super-Smart Robots
From ACM News

'deep Learning' Will Soon Give ­S Super-Smart Robots

Yann LeCun is among those bringing a new level of artificial intelligence to popular internet services from the likes of Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry
From ACM Opinion

Behind the Downfall at Blackberry

Ever since Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis stepped down as co-chairmen and co-chief executives of BlackBerry, neither has spoken much in public about the once-dominant...

An Npr Reporter Raced a Machine to Write a News Story. Who Won?
From ACM Opinion

An Npr Reporter Raced a Machine to Write a News Story. Who Won?

Even the most creative jobs have parts that are pretty routine—tasks that, at least in theory, can be done by a machine. Take, for example, being a reporter.

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now
From ACM Careers

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now

In 1997 chess master Gary Kasparov went to battle against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in a landmark match. After six games Deep Blue prevailed, marking the...

Hacking the Brain
From ACM Opinion

Hacking the Brain

The perfectibility of the human mind is a theme that has captured our imagination for centuries—the notion that, with the right tools, the right approach, the right...

­.s. Science Academies Take On Human-Genome Editing
From ACM News

­.s. Science Academies Take On Human-Genome Editing

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) will launch a major initiative to develop guidelines for editing human genomes...

Technology Doesn't Explain the Philly Train Crash
From ACM News

Technology Doesn't Explain the Philly Train Crash

Cars can now drive by themselves. Automatic pilot systems can fly a jet airliner much of the time. Why is it so hard to make trains that can stop on their own?

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Attention White-Collar Workers: The Robots Are Coming For Your Jobs

From the self-checkout aisle of the grocery store to the sports section of the newspaper, robots and computer software are increasingly taking the place of humans...
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