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The Significance of an MIT Drone Weaving Around Tree Branches at 30 Mph
From ACM News

The Significance of an MIT Drone Weaving Around Tree Branches at 30 Mph

To get his Ph.D., MIT grad student Andy Barry packed up a car with a drone and a catapult to launch it. Then he headed west.

Inside the Economics of Hacking
From ACM Careers

Inside the Economics of Hacking

Imagine getting $1 million for finding a security weakness in a mobile operating system.

Tackling the Large Hadron Collider's Big Data Challenge
From ACM Careers

Tackling the Large Hadron Collider's Big Data Challenge

Argonne physicists are using the Mira supercomputer to perform simulations of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments with a leadership-class supercomputer, shedding...

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant
From ACM Opinion

The Hot New Job in Silicon Valley Is Being a Robot's Assistant

"I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords." So goes the joke every time artificial intelligence threatens to supersede humans in another job.

The Room Where the Internet Was Born
From ACM Opinion

The Room Where the Internet Was Born

Starting a cross-country drive to New York in Los Angeles is pretty inconvenient, unless your cross-country drive is also a vision quest to see the Internet.

Researchers Model Birth of ­niverse in Large Cosmological Simulation
From ACM Careers

Researchers Model Birth of ­niverse in Large Cosmological Simulation

Researchers are sifting through an avalanche of data produced by one of the largest cosmological simulations ever performed, led by scientists at the U.S. Department...

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?
From ACM Careers

Can Detroit Beat Google to the Self-Driving Car?

"I like to drive cars," says Mark Reuss, product development chief at General Motors, "so this is a little funny."

On the Road to Ang Vehicles
From ACM Careers

On the Road to Ang Vehicles

Berkeley Lab researchers have found a way to store natural gas as a transportation fuel, which could help make the driving range of an adsorbed-natural-gas (ANG)...

Change the Shape, Change the Sound
From ACM Careers

Change the Shape, Change the Sound

Computer scientists have demonstrated that sound can be controlled by 3-D-printed shapes. 

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game
From ACM Careers

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game

At 5:05 AM Sunday, long before the rest of Sunnyvale, California, will wake up, Yahoo's control room is packed.

Unraveling the Complex, Intertwined Electron Phases in a Superconductor
From ACM Careers

Unraveling the Complex, Intertwined Electron Phases in a Superconductor

Scientists may have discovered a link between key components of the "electron density wave" state and the pseudogap phase in a high-temperature superconductor

Faster Optimization
From ACM Careers

Faster Optimization

A general-purpose optimization algorithm described in the winner of the best-student-paper award at the FOCS 2015 symposium promises order-of-magnitude speedups...

Flying Robobees Will Soon Have Laser Eyes
From ACM Careers

Flying Robobees Will Soon Have Laser Eyes

Flying insects designed for agriculture and disaster relief will rely on technology used by driverless cars.

Tiny Dancers: Can Ballet Bugs Help US Build Better Robots?
From ACM Careers

Tiny Dancers: Can Ballet Bugs Help US Build Better Robots?

A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University studied the hopping skills and landing patterns of spider crickets in the hope of paving the way for a new generation...

Seeing Stars, Again: Naval Academy Reinstates Celestial Navigation
From ACM Careers

Seeing Stars, Again: Naval Academy Reinstates Celestial Navigation

The same techniques guided ancient Polynesians in the open Pacific and led Sir Ernest Shackleton to remote Antarctica, then oriented astronauts when the Apollo...

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip
From ACM News

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip

In August last year, IBM unveiled a chip designed to operate something like the neurons and synapses of the brain (see "IBM Chip Process Data Similar to the Way...

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work
From ACM Careers

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work

For all the jobs that machines can now do—whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food—they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social...

Bu Research Could Revolutionize Flexible Electronics, Solar Cells
From ACM Careers

Bu Research Could Revolutionize Flexible Electronics, Solar Cells

Researchers have demonstrated an eco-friendly process that enables unprecedented spatial control over the electrical properties of graphene oxide, a two-dimensional...

One Direction: Researchers Grow Nanocircuitry with Semiconducting Graphene Nanoribbons
From ACM Careers

One Direction: Researchers Grow Nanocircuitry with Semiconducting Graphene Nanoribbons

In a development that could revolutionize electronic ciruitry, a research team has confirmed a new way to control the growth paths of graphene nanoribbons on the...

Pilots Can't Stop Cockpit Video Forever
From ACM Careers

Pilots Can't Stop Cockpit Video Forever

It was after 11 p.m. on March 30, 2013, when the Alaska Department of Public Safety helicopter lifted off near Talkeetna, north of Anchorage, after rescuing a stranded...
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