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Skilled Tech Workers Snapped Up Despite Downturn
From ACM TechNews

Skilled Tech Workers Snapped Up Despite Downturn

Despite layoffs at over 900 tech companies this year, skilled tech workers with experience in artificial intelligence and data science remain in high demand in...

AI System 'Should Be Recognized As Inventor,' Academics Say
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AI System 'Should Be Recognized As Inventor,' Academics Say

An artificial intelligence system should be recognized as the inventor of two ideas in patents filed on its behalf, a team of academics says.

The Key to Cracking Long-Dead Languages
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The Key to Cracking Long-Dead Languages

Broken and scorched black by fire, the dense, wedge-shaped marks etched into the ancient clay tablets are only just visible under the soft light at the British...

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles
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Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles

The motor insurance industry is warning carmakers against the use of the word "autonomous" in their marketing.

Who Controls Your Data?
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Who Controls Your Data?

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will change how companies and individuals collect, store and share data.

The Quest to Map the Mysteries of the Ocean Floor
From ACM News

The Quest to Map the Mysteries of the Ocean Floor

Geologists have charted mountain ranges and forests and desert tundras, astronomers the heavens above, yet our planet's oceans remain largely unexplored; it's often...

Crypto-Currency Craze 'Hinders Search for Alien Life'
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Crypto-Currency Craze 'Hinders Search for Alien Life'

Seti (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) researchers want to expand operations at two observatories.

The Labs that Protect Against Online Warfare
From ACM News

The Labs that Protect Against Online Warfare

Several months after the WannaCry cyber-attack, much of the world still seems to be asleep to the potential catastrophic effects of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure...

Could AI Help to Create a Meat-Free World?
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Could AI Help to Create a Meat-Free World?

Remember the last burger you really enjoyed—try to summon up its rich, juicy taste in your mind and its chewy, firm-yet-soft-yet-crunchy texture.

More Than 480 Web Firms Record 'every Keystroke'
From ACM Careers

More Than 480 Web Firms Record 'every Keystroke'

The technique—known as session replay—is used by companies to gain an understanding of how customers use websites.

The Female Code-Breakers Who Were Left Out of History Books
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The Female Code-Breakers Who Were Left Out of History Books

Picture this. In 1917, the United States is just entering World War One. But to begin with, its military is small and its capacity for intelligence gathering is...

The Ghostly Radio Station That No One Claims to Run
From ACM Careers

The Ghostly Radio Station That No One Claims to Run

In the middle of a Russian swampland, not far from the city of St Petersburg, is a rectangular iron gate.

Apple Defends Complying with China Over Vpns
From ACM Careers

Apple Defends Complying with China Over Vpns

Virtual Private Networks are often used to skirt censorship and surveillance in countries with tight restrictions on internet use.

Why Is Russia So Good at Encouraging Women Into Tech?
From ACM Careers

Why Is Russia So Good at Encouraging Women Into Tech?

Irina Khoroshko, from Zelenograd near Moscow, had learned her times tables by the age of five.

Vector Institute Is Just the Latest in Canada's AI Expansion
From ACM News

Vector Institute Is Just the Latest in Canada's AI Expansion

Canadian researchers have been behind some recent major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Now, the country is betting on becoming a big player in one of...

Grace Hopper's Compiler: Computing's Hidden Hero
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Grace Hopper's Compiler: Computing's Hidden Hero

One, zero, zero, one, zero, one. Zero, one, one…

Can Your Voice Reveal Whether You Have an Illness?
From ACM Careers

Can Your Voice Reveal Whether You Have an Illness?

Our voices are amazing things.

What If the State Provided Everyone with a Basic Income?
From ACM Careers

What If the State Provided Everyone with a Basic Income?

This month Finland is embarking on a radical economic experiment. Its government is giving 2,000 people free money for two years, guaranteeing them a minimum income...

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number
From ACM Opinion

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number

"If you want a career in medicine these days you're better off studying mathematics or computing than biology."

The Artist Revealing New York's Secretive, Hidden Network
From ACM Careers

The Artist Revealing New York's Secretive, Hidden Network

Ingrid Burrington has spent the last two years looking for the internet. Now she sees it wherever she goes.
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