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New Players in the Nba: Big Data, ­ser-Controlled Jumbotrons
From ACM Careers

New Players in the Nba: Big Data, ­ser-Controlled Jumbotrons

The NBA ushered in the new season this past week, and fans at the Staples Center for the Los Angeles Clippers' opening game had access to some new toys.

The Slide Rule: A Computing Device That Put a Man on the Moon
From ACM Careers

The Slide Rule: A Computing Device That Put a Man on the Moon

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is
From ACM Opinion

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is

The story of how the digital age came to be involves a cast of more than 40 people, ranging from a 19th century English countess to California hippies.

When Hackers Test For Flaws, They Might Earn Cash—or Threats
From ACM Careers

When Hackers Test For Flaws, They Might Earn Cash—or Threats

To hack or not to hack?

Can Google Build a Typeface to Support Every Written Language?
From ACM News

Can Google Build a Typeface to Support Every Written Language?

Google has taken on its fair share of ambitious projects—digitizing millions and millions of books, mapping the whole world, pioneering self-driving cars.

Switzerland: From Banking Paradise To Data Safe Zone
From ACM Careers

Switzerland: From Banking Paradise To Data Safe Zone

Stash gold in a Swiss bank? It's old hat. Try something really valuable: data.

Nsa Implementing Fix to Prevent Snowden-Like Security Breach
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Implementing Fix to Prevent Snowden-Like Security Breach

A year after Edward Snowden's digital heist, the NSA's chief technology officer says steps have been taken to stop future incidents. But he says there's no way...

The Hazards of Probing the Internet's Dark Side
From ACM Opinion

The Hazards of Probing the Internet's Dark Side

Late last year, hackers breached Target's data security and stole information from millions of credit cards.

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat
From ACM Careers

Software That Sees Employees, Not Outsiders, As the Real Threat

A growing number of companies are under pressure to protect sensitive data—and not just from hackers lurking outside the digital walls.

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...

Nsa's Encrypted Tweet: We're Hiring Code Breakers
From ACM Careers

Nsa's Encrypted Tweet: We're Hiring Code Breakers

What better way to recruit potential code breakers than to advertise in cipher?

Chemist Turns Software Developer After Son's Cancer Diagnosis
From ACM Careers

Chemist Turns Software Developer After Son's Cancer Diagnosis

A scientist's ambitious plan to create an early detection system for eye cancer using people's home cameras is coming along.

What's The Nsa Doing Now? Training More Cyber Warriors
From ACM News

What's The Nsa Doing Now? Training More Cyber Warriors

The U.S. needs more cyber warriors, and it needs them fast, according to Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

Sportvision Wants to Take You (Home) to the Ball Game
From ACM Careers

Sportvision Wants to Take You (Home) to the Ball Game

These days, you'd be forgiven if you're more excited about watching the "big game"—whether that's football, basketball, hockey—on TV rather than from inside a sports...

­.k. Official ­rges ­.s. Government to Adopt a Digital Core
From ACM Opinion

­.k. Official ­rges ­.s. Government to Adopt a Digital Core

When he read about the technical failures plaguing, Mike Bracken said it felt like a real-life version of the movie Groundhog Day.

3D Printing a Masterwork For Your Living Room
From ACM News

3D Printing a Masterwork For Your Living Room

You may never be able to get to Italy to see Michelangelo's David—but advances in 3D printing technology are making it possible for you to create an almost perfect...

Your Digital Trail: Does The Fourth Amendment Protect Us?
From ACM News

Your Digital Trail: Does The Fourth Amendment Protect Us?

Science fiction writers have fantasized for years about the government monitoring everything we do.

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers
From ACM Careers

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers

Richard Van As was working in his home near Johannesburg, South Africa, in May of 2011, when he lost control of his table saw.

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?

Weekend Edition Sunday Host Rachel Martin talks to Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, about whether the NSA can protect Americans'...

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?
From ACM News

If Your Shrink Is a Bot, How Do You Respond?

Her hair is brown and tied back into a professional-looking ponytail.
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