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Welcome to Robot University (Only Robots Need Apply)
From ACM Careers

Welcome to Robot University (Only Robots Need Apply)

Roboticists are creating a data set of annotated video clips called RoboNet that could be used to train a robot's neural network to perform new tasks.

Training A Single AI Model Can Emit As Much Carbon As Five Cars in Their Lifetimes
From ACM Careers

Training A Single AI Model Can Emit As Much Carbon As Five Cars in Their Lifetimes

Deep learning has a terrible carbon footprint, according to researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

The Real Reason America Is Scared of Huawei: Internet-Connected Everything
From ACM News

The Real Reason America Is Scared of Huawei: Internet-Connected Everything

There was a time when the world's two great superpowers were obsessed with nuclear weapons technology.

The Man Turning China Into a Quantum Superpower
From ACM Opinion

The Man Turning China Into a Quantum Superpower

On September 29, 2017, a Chinese satellite known as Micius made possible an unhackable videoconference between Vienna and Beijing, two cities half a world apart...

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.
From ACM News

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.

In the early 1980s, a cluster of fledging computer companies opened up shop in a chaotic corner of northwest Beijing, near the campuses of Peking and Tsinghua Universities...

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials to Advance Computing and Fight Pollution
From ACM News

A Robot Scientist Will Dream ­p New Materials to Advance Computing and Fight Pollution

In a laboratory that overlooks a busy shopping street in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a robot is attempting to create new materials.

China's Leaders Are Softening Their Stance on AI
From ACM News

China's Leaders Are Softening Their Stance on AI

China might be at loggerheads with the United States over trade, but it is calling for a friendlier approach to the development of artificial intelligence.

­S Takes First Step Toward a Quantum Computing Workforce
From ACM Careers

­S Takes First Step Toward a Quantum Computing Workforce

Quantum computers promise to transform computer security, finance, and many other fields by solving certain problems far faster than conventional machines.

Life As a Bug Bounty Hunter: A Struggle Every Day, Just to Get Paid
From ACM Careers

Life As a Bug Bounty Hunter: A Struggle Every Day, Just to Get Paid

Evan Ricafort works from home, his office taking up a room in a house that he shares with his family along a national highway in the Philippines.

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains
From ACM Careers

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains

Maria Pocovi slides her laptop over to me with the webcam switched on.

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military
From ACM Opinion

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military

More than 2,400 AI researchers recently signed a pledge promising not to build so-called autonomous weapons—systems that would decide on their own whom to kill....

The ­S May Have Just Pulled Even with China in the Race to Build Supercomputing's Next Big Thing
From ACM Opinion

The ­S May Have Just Pulled Even with China in the Race to Build Supercomputing's Next Big Thing

There was much celebrating in America last month when the US Department of Energy unveiled Summit, the world's fastest supercomputer. Now the race is on to achieve...

Why Robots Helped Donald Trump Win
From ACM Careers

Why Robots Helped Donald Trump Win

Ronald Shrewsbery II used to be the Robot Doctor. Now he's known by the more bureaucratic-sounding title "WCM (World Class Manufacturing) Electrical Technical Specialist...

Microsoft Is Creating an Oracle for Catching Biased AI Algorithms
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Is Creating an Oracle for Catching Biased AI Algorithms

Microsoft is building a tool to automatically identify bias in a range of different AI algorithms.

Subcutaneous Fitbits? These Cows Are Modeling the Tracking Technology of the Future
From ACM Careers

Subcutaneous Fitbits? These Cows Are Modeling the Tracking Technology of the Future

Somewhere on a dairy farm in Wellsville, Utah, are three cyborg  cows, indistinguishable from the rest of the herd.

Sitting with the Cyber-Sleuths Who Track Cryptocurrency Criminals
From ACM Careers

Sitting with the Cyber-Sleuths Who Track Cryptocurrency Criminals

Spiky yellow and blue shapes begin to fill a screen that spans an entire wall in a lab at Imperial College London.

How the AI Cloud Could Produce the Richest Companies Ever
From ACM Careers

How the AI Cloud Could Produce the Richest Companies Ever

For years, Swami Sivasubramanian's wife has wanted to get a look at the bears that come out of the woods on summer nights to plunder the trash cans at their suburban...

AR Still Doesn't Have a Killer App, but Google's ARCore Is Here to Help
From ACM Careers

AR Still Doesn't Have a Killer App, but Google's ARCore Is Here to Help

You may not have a real Porsche in your driveway, but augmented reality will now let you plonk a virtual one there using a smartphone—and take it for a simulated...

Tech Companies Should Stop Pretending AI Won't Destroy Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Tech Companies Should Stop Pretending AI Won't Destroy Jobs

I took an Uber to an artificial-­intelligence conference at MIT one recent morning, and the driver asked me how long it would take for autonomous vehicles to take...

Biologists Would Love to Program Cells As If They Were Computer Chips
From ACM Careers

Biologists Would Love to Program Cells As If They Were Computer Chips

Sitting in his startup lab space on the outskirts of MIT's campus, Alec Nielsen opens his laptop and types in instructions for a genetically modified yeast cell...
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