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subjectData / Storage And Retrieval
authorThe New York Times
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Just the Facts. Yes, All of Them.
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Just the Facts. Yes, All of Them.

AT 7 years old, Gilad Elbaz wrote, "I want to be a rich mathematician and very smart." That, he figured, would help him "discover things like time machines, robots...

From ACM Careers

The Age of Big Data

Good with numbers? Fascinated by data? The sound you hear is opportunity knocking.

In Simulation Work, the Demand Is Real
From ACM Careers

In Simulation Work, the Demand Is Real

As employment headlines go from grim to grimmer, it’s appropriate that one job category with expanding demand involves helping people avoid reality. Designers of...

From ACM CareerNews

Digital Archivists, Now in Demand

Given the amount of content that still needs to be digitized ¿ such as newspapers, court records and corporate documents - the role of the digital archivist is...
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