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In Russia, the Lost Generation of Science

For the past decade, Russia has been pouring money into scientific research, trying to make up for the collapse of the 1990s, but innovation is losing out to...

With a Leaner Model, Start-­ps Reach Further Afield
From ACM Careers

With a Leaner Model, Start-­ps Reach Further Afield

Lee Redden, 26, a Ph.D. student in engineering at Stanford, recently decided to shelve his education and help found a start-up company.

How to Predict the Future
From ACM Careers

How to Predict the Future

Imagining the future, we naturally think of it as a different place to the one we live in now. It is populated with new technologies, advanced science, and perhaps...

From ACM Careers

Despite Problems, Silicon Valley Still an Innovation Magnet

All it takes is five minutes to compile a lengthy list of reasons not to come to Silicon Valley. The cost of living is off the charts. Traffic stinks. Housing...

Entrepreneurship Lessons for the Academic-Minded
From ACM Careers

Entrepreneurship Lessons for the Academic-Minded

The slow pace of job creation has revived interest in getting promising new technologies out of university labs and into the marketplace. At Stanford University...

Experimental Mathematics: Computing Power Leads to Insights
From ACM Careers

Experimental Mathematics: Computing Power Leads to Insights

Modern computer technology has vastly expanded our ability to discover new mathematical results.

End of Fermilab's Tevatron Evokes Memories, Pride
From ACM Careers

End of Fermilab's Tevatron Evokes Memories, Pride

The Tevatron particle accelerator which generated high-energy collisions at Fermilab for 28 years was shut down for the last time on Sept. 30.

The Next Generation of Technology
From ACM Careers

The Next Generation of Technology

Selecting Technology Review's yearly list of 35 innovators under the age of 35 is a difficult but rewarding process. We search for candidates around the world...

Ready For the Robot Revolution?
From ACM News

Ready For the Robot Revolution?

Robots are about to invade our lives. From performing household chores, to entertaining and educating our children, to looking after the elderly, roboticists...

Apple's Design Wizard Has Not Left the Building
From ACM Careers

Apple's Design Wizard Has Not Left the Building

He was the resident wizard at 1 Infinite Loop, the guy sporting minimalist attire, closely cropped hair and a mischievous smile as he pulled one delightful new...

Researchers Aim For Processors That Run Without a Battery
From ACM Careers

Researchers Aim For Processors That Run Without a Battery

Virginia Commonwealth University has received two grants to support work on energy-efficient computing devices that pack more processing power in a chip and potentially...

From ACM News

Nasa and Tor-Forge Books Partner in Themed Science Fiction Works

In an effort to introduce, inform, and inspire readers about NASA, the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, has partnered with Tor-Forge Books...

Researchers Assist IBM in Cognitive Computer Chip Design
From ACM Careers

Researchers Assist IBM in Cognitive Computer Chip Design

New experimental computer chips modeled on nervous systems are aimed at creating computers that can learn through experience, find correlations, create hypotheses...

Milestone For MIT Press's Bestseller
From ACM News

Milestone For MIT Press's Bestseller

On Thursday, Aug. 4, the MIT Press held a party in MIT's Stata Center to celebrate the sale of the 500,000th copy of the textbook Introduction to Algorithms....

Researchers Face Budget Bind
From ACM News

Researchers Face Budget Bind

Federally funded researchers are facing months of uncertainty due to the budget-cutting battle that's unfolding in Washington. But policy experts say one outcome...

China Aims to Renew Status As Scientific Superpower
From ACM News

China Aims to Renew Status As Scientific Superpower

China was probably the world's earliest technological superpower, inventing the plow, the compass, gunpowder, and block printing. Then, science in the Middle...

Professor Accomplishes Breakthrough Toward Quantum Computing
From ACM Careers

Professor Accomplishes Breakthrough Toward Quantum Computing

Olivier Pfister, a professor of physics at the University of Virginia, has just published findings in the journal Physical Review Letters demonstrating a breakthrough...

From ACM TechNews

European Project Will Raise Interest in Scientific Study

Eight European universities, including the Technical University of Madrid, are participating in the European DynaLearn Project, which is designed to increase student...
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