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Computer Scientists Create CG Sand That Looks ­nbelievably Real

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dam break

Water pours in from a reservoir and slowly erodes a dam.

Credit: ACM Transactions on Graphics

Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) have helped develop a new method for depicting computer-generated sand and mud. The new method involves how water moves and interacts with sand, says UPenn professor Chenfanfu Jiang.

The UCLA and UPenn researchers partnered with animators from DreamWorks and Jixie Effects to find a solution. It required them to figure a way to perfectly capture the snowball effect of a mudslide.

The researchers also applied varying densities and strengths of water. Jiang notes specifically, the team used particles to represent individual grains of sand and water droplets. "In each simulation time step, individual material responses, as well as the interaction force between sand and water, are computed," he says.

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