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subjectArtificial Intelligence
authorAllyn Jackson

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why the Simplex Method, at Age 75, is Still the Go-To Algorithm
From ACM News

Why the Simplex Method, at Age 75, is Still the Go-To Algorithm

Daniel A. Spielman and colleague Shang-hua Teng solved the mystery of the Simplex Method using a technique called smoothed analysis.

Life as a Logician
From ACM News

Life as a Logician

Mathematician Martin Jackson is known for his work on Hilbert's Tenth Problem, among other things.

Making AI Systems Fairer Will Require Time, Guidelines
From ACM News

Making AI Systems Fairer Will Require Time, Guidelines

Director Christoph Lütge on the new Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich.

Seeking Equilibria in Economics, Computer Science
From ACM News

Seeking Equilibria in Economics, Computer Science

Daskalakis' work brings deep theoretical analysis to bear on high-impact problems with direct effects on real-world applications.
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