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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

World Cup 2014 to Be Most Hi-Tech Football Event Ever
From ACM News

World Cup 2014 to Be Most Hi-Tech Football Event Ever

Football is full of "what ifs".

How Online 'chatbots' Are Already Tricking You
From ACM News

How Online 'chatbots' Are Already Tricking You

Sometimes it's the promise of sex that fools you.

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?
From ACM Opinion

Robots: Can We Trust Them with Our Privacy?

Joss Wright is training a robot to freak people out.

'killer Robots': Are They Really Inevitable?
From ACM News

'killer Robots': Are They Really Inevitable?

The robot tank is moving rapidly through the scrub on its caterpillar tracks.

More Google 'forget' Requests Emerge After Eu Ruling
From ACM News

More Google 'forget' Requests Emerge After Eu Ruling

A man who tried to kill his family is among the latest to request removal of search results from Google.

3D Printing Reveals the Power of Shark Skin
From ACM Careers

3D Printing Reveals the Power of Shark Skin

Viewed up close, a shark's skin bristles with tiny teeth or "denticles" which aid swimming.

What Is the 'right to Be Forgotten'?
From ACM News

What Is the 'right to Be Forgotten'?

Sixteen years ago, a Spaniard named Mario Costeja Gonzalez had hit financial difficulties.

Will We Ever… Control the Weather?
From ACM News

Will We Ever… Control the Weather?

With 2,000 drummers, 15,000 other performers and vast quantities of fireworks, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was a dazzling spectacle.

Internet of Things: The 'ghosts' that Haunt the Machine
From ACM News

Internet of Things: The 'ghosts' that Haunt the Machine

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize
From ACM News

Hard Disk Pioneer Stuart Parkin Wins Millennium Prize

Prof Stuart Parkin developed a type of data-reading head capable of detecting weaker and smaller signals than had previously been possible.

Half-Century Milestone For Ibm Mainframes
From ACM News

Half-Century Milestone For Ibm Mainframes

The IBM mainframe is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

Comet Lander Checks In with Earth
From ACM News

Comet Lander Checks In with Earth

The Philae lander, which Europe hopes to put on the surface of a comet later this year, has been re-activated after three years in deep-space hibernation.

Will We Ever Travel in Wormholes?
From ACM News

Will We Ever Travel in Wormholes?

The universe is huge.

The Digital ­nwrapping of the Egyptian Priest Neswaiu
From ACM News

The Digital ­nwrapping of the Egyptian Priest Neswaiu

In the 19th century and even later, there was no shortage of people eager to watch the unwrapping of an Egyptian mummy.

Russia and ­kraine in Cyber 'stand-Off'
From ACM News

Russia and ­kraine in Cyber 'stand-Off'

As diplomatic efforts are stepped up to ease tensions in Ukraine, security experts have warned that Kiev and Moscow are locked in a cyber stand-off.

Rise of the Human Exoskeletons
From ACM News

Rise of the Human Exoskeletons

On the outskirts of Pisa in a back room of a modern block, a machine is waiting for its operator.

The Special Effects Firms Transforming the Film Industry
From ACM Careers

The Special Effects Firms Transforming the Film Industry

If you are looking for a sure thing at this year's Oscars look no further than Gravity to win the best visual effects category.

The Last Places on Earth Without the Internet
From ACM News

The Last Places on Earth Without the Internet

It can be easy to forget what life was like before the Internet.

Avalanche Science: ­ncovering Snow's Deadly Secrets
From ACM News

Avalanche Science: ­ncovering Snow's Deadly Secrets

Dr Alec Van Herwijnen has buried microphones under the deep snow in order to listen for avalanches.

Inside the Google Earth Satellite Factory
From ACM Careers

Inside the Google Earth Satellite Factory

Behind a long rectangular window, in a high white room tended by ghostly figures in masks and hats, a new satellite is taking shape.
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