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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­.s. Military Cyberwar: What's Off-Limits?
From ACM News

­.s. Military Cyberwar: What's Off-Limits?

The United States should decide on rules for attacking other nations' networks in advance of an actual cyberwar, which could include an international agreement...

From ACM News

Working to Make Combat Soldiers' Lives Easier

In combat, things can be so chaotic and loud that soldiers sometimes aren't even aware they're being shot at.

A Trip Beyond the Edge of the Observable Universe
From ACM News

A Trip Beyond the Edge of the Observable Universe

If you want to see what outer space looks like, there may be no better way to do so than to have Carter Emmart take you on a ride there.

Google's Fight to Keep Search a Secret
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Google's Fight to Keep Search a Secret

Can Google keep a secret?

At Irobot, Moving Way Beyond the Roomba
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At Irobot, Moving Way Beyond the Roomba

I have seen the future of military robotics, and it is autonomy.

China's Green Dam May Be Ready to Collapse
From ACM News

China's Green Dam May Be Ready to Collapse

China's Green Dam software-filtering project has been staying afloat without government funds for the past year, but the project may now be in danger of collapse...

A Decade Later, Internet Appliance Dream Is Realized
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A Decade Later, Internet Appliance Dream Is Realized

Ten years ago, the next big thing in tech was supposed to be the Internet appliance: a device that offered tech newbies a simpler and cheaper way to get onto the...

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser
From ACM News

IBM Names Firefox Its Default Browser

Firefox has become the default browser for nearly 400,000 IBM employees, a big coup for the open-source project during a time of increasing browser competition.

From ACM News

Police Push to Continue Warrantless Cell Tracking

A law requiring police to obtain a search warrant before tracking Americans' cell phones may imperil criminal investigations and endanger children's lives, a law...

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent
From ACM News

Algorithm Ranks World's Top Soccer Talent

These days, in pretty much every sport, there is no hiding from statistics. Coaches, team owners, fantasy leaguers, and fans are tracking and analyzing a player's...

Japan's Creepy Kid Robots Perfect Pals For Chucky
From ACM TechNews

Japan's Creepy Kid Robots Perfect Pals For Chucky

Japanese engineers have created two robots designed to interact with children and mimic human growth. Researchers say the robots could inform cognitive development...

Behind the Scenes of Windows Phone 7
From ACM News

Behind the Scenes of Windows Phone 7

The first Windows Phone 7 devices won't hit the market until the holidays. But in various conference rooms here on this Thursday in late May, it's already crunch...

The Ground-Breaking Tech of 'toy Story 3'
From ACM News

The Ground-Breaking Tech of 'toy Story 3'

At Pixar Animation Studios, which will release "Toy Story 3," its 11th feature film, on Friday, each new movie is an opportunity both to notch huge box office numbers...

Microsoft's Xbox Motion Control System Is Kinect
From ACM News

Microsoft's Xbox Motion Control System Is Kinect

After more than a year of speculation, we finally know what Microsoft's new motion-control system is called. For those that have referred to it for a year as Project...

Flying Bots That Self-Assemble
From ACM TechNews

Flying Bots That Self-Assemble

Swiss researchers are developing a swarm of single-propeller robots that are able to self-assemble and take flight. 

Augmented Reality Edges Closer to Mainstream
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Edges Closer to Mainstream

To an unenlightened observer, Ron Haidenger's demonstration of playing a video game by tilting a piece of cardboard back and forth looks more than a little bit...

Willow Garage Gets Robots Into Researchers' Hands
From ACM TechNews

Willow Garage Gets Robots Into Researchers' Hands

Willow Garage has given 11 teams from around the world the right to use its PR2 open source robots and operating system to develop new uses for the technology and...

From ACM News

Google Rolls Out Encrypted Web Search Option

Google began offering an encrypted option for Web searchers on Friday and said it planned to roll it out for all of its services eventually.

MIT Gestural Gloves Bring Back the '80s
From ACM News

MIT Gestural Gloves Bring Back the '80s

Somewhere in your closet there's a pair of gloves straight out of "Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo."  Well, if you dust them off and fire up your Webcam, you'll have...

Legal Experts: LimeWire Likely Doomed
From ACM News

Legal Experts: LimeWire Likely Doomed

A federal court judge has likely dealt a death blow to LimeWire, one of the most popular and oldest file-sharing systems, according to legal experts.
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