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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Amazon's Ring to Shutter Video-Sharing Program
From ACM TechNews

Amazon's Ring to Shutter Video-Sharing Program

Amazon's Ring announced law enforcement and government agencies will no longer be allowed to solicit footage from doorbell cameras directly from users through the...

Mercedes Bringing ChatGPT into its Cars
From ACM TechNews

Mercedes Bringing ChatGPT into its Cars

German automaker Mercedes-Benz has partnered with Microsoft to add ChatGPT generative artificial intelligence software to Mercedes-Benz cars in the U.S.

How Companies Subtly Trick Users Online with 'Dark Patterns'
From ACM News

How Companies Subtly Trick Users Online with 'Dark Patterns'

So far this year, there have been multiple lawsuits filed against prominent tech companies for their alleged use of dark patterns to deceive users.

Deepfakes Trying to Change the Course of War
From ACM TechNews

Deepfakes Trying to Change the Course of War

Deepfake videos are being used to manipulate the course of the war in Ukraine.

Researchers Uncover Software Flaws Leaving Medical Devices Vulnerable to Hackers
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Uncover Software Flaws Leaving Medical Devices Vulnerable to Hackers

Researchers say they have discovered over a dozen software vulnerabilities that could be used to crash medical devices and other equipment.

Amazon Blocks Police from Using Its Facial Recognition Software Indefinitely
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Blocks Police from Using Its Facial Recognition Software Indefinitely

Amazon has indefinitely extended its ban on police use of its facial recognition software, which lawmakers and company employees have said discriminates against...

Singapore Deploys Robot 'Dog' to Encourage Social Distancing
From ACM TechNews

Singapore Deploys Robot 'Dog' to Encourage Social Distancing

Singapore's government will deploy a robot from Boston Dynamics at a local park as part of a pilot project to encourage social distancing.
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