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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­.s. Military Wants to Create Cyborg Soldiers
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Military Wants to Create Cyborg Soldiers

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working to create a chip to implant in a soldier's brain to connect it directly to computers. 

Internet of Things Brings New Era of Weather Forecasting
From ACM TechNews

Internet of Things Brings New Era of Weather Forecasting

As the Internet of Things continues to develop, weather systems will collect data from vehicles on the road and wirelessly transmit road condition and weather data...

Study Names the Five Most Hackable Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Study Names the Five Most Hackable Vehicles

A PT&C|LWG Forensic Consulting Services study has named the top five vehicles most susceptible to hacking. 

Get Ready to Live in a Trillion-Device World
From ACM TechNews

Get Ready to Live in a Trillion-Device World

University of California, Berkeley professor Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli predicts the world will be completely suffused with tiny sensors within 10 years. 

MIT Builds a 3D Printer That Can ­se 10 Materials at Once
From ACM TechNews

MIT Builds a 3D Printer That Can ­se 10 Materials at Once

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers say they have built a three-dimensional printer capable of building objects with 10 photopolymer materials.

Remember Conficker? It's Still Around
From ACM TechNews

Remember Conficker? It's Still Around

Malware called Conficker began widely infecting computers in 2008; about 1 million computers worldwide are still infected despite years of cleanup efforts.

Ibm's Machine-Learning Crystal Ball Can Foresee Renewable Energy Availability
From ACM TechNews

Ibm's Machine-Learning Crystal Ball Can Foresee Renewable Energy Availability

Researchers have developed a machine-learning algorithm that can predict days in advance how much power solar and wind plants will generate for the U.S. power grid...

DARPA Challenge Greatly Propelled Humanoid Robotics
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Challenge Greatly Propelled Humanoid Robotics

The DARPA Robotics Challenge has significantly advanced the field of humanoid robotics thanks to contributions from academia, including the Worcester Polytechnic...

Will AI Drive the Human Race Off a Cliff?
From ACM TechNews

Will AI Drive the Human Race Off a Cliff?

A recent panel discussion focused on the need to develop policies to prevent artificial intelligence from evolving to the point where it threatens humanity's existence...

Nasa Tests Darpa Challenge Robot For Space Manufacturing
From ACM TechNews

Nasa Tests Darpa Challenge Robot For Space Manufacturing

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Jet Propulsion Lab plans to use a robot to build parts in space. 

Up Against Laws of Physics, Bell Labs Pushes Network Performance
From ACM TechNews

Up Against Laws of Physics, Bell Labs Pushes Network Performance

Alcatel-Lucent's Bell Labs shared some of its vision for networks in 2020 at a recent event. 

Robotics Can Now Give You a Leg Up--Literally
From ACM TechNews

Robotics Can Now Give You a Leg Up--Literally

Researchers are developing a lightweight, unpowered exoskeleton that fits over the lower leg, which they say could reduce the energy used to walk by 7 percent. 

Is Your Robot a Little Cheeky? Google May Build It That Way
From ACM TechNews

Is Your Robot a Little Cheeky? Google May Build It That Way

Google is developing robots that have individual personalities. 

­.k. Researchers Are Building Robotic Pants
From ACM TechNews

­.k. Researchers Are Building Robotic Pants

Scientists at the University of Bristol have developed robotic pants with built-in artificial muscles designed to aid the elderly or people with disabilities. 

Over-the-Air Software Coming Soon to Your Next Car
From ACM TechNews

Over-the-Air Software Coming Soon to Your Next Car

Car manufacturers soon hope to upgrade vehicles' software over-the-air, which they say will enhance customer satisfaction, boost safety, and curb costs. 

Atlas ­nplugged: DARPA Challenge Robot Gets Major Makeover
From ACM TechNews

Atlas ­nplugged: DARPA Challenge Robot Gets Major Makeover

Boston Robotics has rebuilt its robot to be used in the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Robotics Challenge finals in June.

Microsoft Researchers ­se Light Beams to Charge Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Researchers ­se Light Beams to Charge Smartphones

Microsoft researchers in Beijing have developed AutoCharge, a prototype automatic wireless charging system for smartphones. 

The 8080 Chip at 40: What's Next For the Mighty Microprocessor?
From ACM TechNews

The 8080 Chip at 40: What's Next For the Mighty Microprocessor?

Descendants of the Intel 8080 microprocessor, which gave rise to the personal computer industry, promise to lead to further computer technology evolution. 

Fujitsu Develops Compact Rfid For Wearables, Metal
From ACM TechNews

Fujitsu Develops Compact Rfid For Wearables, Metal

Fujitsu says its new radio frequency identification tag technology can work on surfaces such as metal, which can otherwise impede radio waves. 

Google Says Bye Bye, Captchas, Well, Mostly
From ACM TechNews

Google Says Bye Bye, Captchas, Well, Mostly

Google recently announced it has starting phasing out its CAPTCHAs in favor of using its reCAPTCHA service.
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