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Communications of the ACM


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dateMore Than a Year Ago
authorGary Anthes

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

You've Got Mail!
From Communications of the ACM

You've Got Mail!

And that's not all. Email is not what it used to be.

From Communications of the ACM

Estonia: A Model For E-Government

Over the next decade, the population of Estonia is expected to soar more than 600% as the country becomes the first in the world to open its borders to an influx...

Data Brokers Are Watching You
From Communications of the ACM

Data Brokers Are Watching You

You would be surprised by how much they know about you, and what they are doing with your information.

Bringing Transparency to the High-End Art Market
From ACM News

Bringing Transparency to the High-End Art Market

A site that connects fine art buyers and sellers serves as the equivalent of an "Art Fair on the Internet."

French Team Invents Faster Code-Breaking Algorithm
From Communications of the ACM

French Team Invents Faster Code-Breaking Algorithm

New method can crack certain cryptosystems far faster than earlier alternatives.

Zoom In, Zoom Out
From Communications of the ACM

Zoom In, Zoom Out

Drilling down to more detail on a computer screen, or moving out to see the context, is basic. But it's hardly simple and, after 20 years, innovations are still...

HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution
From Communications of the ACM

HTML5 Leads a Web Revolution

Propelled by a proliferation of mobile devices and social networks, an enhanced family of Web specifications is bringing new power to developers and new capabilities...

Invasion of the Mobile Apps
From Communications of the ACM

Invasion of the Mobile Apps

The market model pioneered by Apple and others is transforming the software world — and has profound implications for software companies and their customers.

The Quest For Randomness
From Communications of the ACM

The Quest For Randomness

It's not easy to generate a string of numbers that lack any pattern or rule, or even to define exactly what randomness means.

ACM Launches New Digital Library
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Launches New Digital Library

More than 50 years of computing literature is augmented, streamlined, and joined to powerful new tools for retrieval and analysis.

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data
From Communications of the ACM

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data

With topic modeling, scientists can explore and understand huge collections of unlabeled information.

Security in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages, but also involves security risks. Fortunately, researchers are devising some ingenious solutions.

Mechanism Design Meets Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

Mechanism Design Meets Computer Science

A field emerging from economics is teaming up with computer science to improve auctions, supply chains, and communication protocols.

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response

After 15 years of research, robots for search and rescue may be nearing prime time.

Automated Translation of Indian Languages
From Communications of the ACM

Automated Translation of Indian Languages

India faces a daunting task trying to manually translate among 22 official languages, but assistance, in the form of advanced technology enabled by a lot of hard...
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