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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Tech Winners in 2012 Must Possess 2020 Vision, Says Idc
From ACM News

Tech Winners in 2012 Must Possess 2020 Vision, Says Idc

2012 might be the most pivotal year in technology market developments in the past 25 years, with ramifications that may not be fully felt until the decade's end...

Brave NUI World
From Communications of the ACM

Brave NUI World

Natural user interface developments, such as Microsoft's Kinect, may indicate the beginning of the end for the mouse.

Unlimited Possibilities
From Communications of the ACM

Unlimited Possibilities

M. Frans Kaashoek discusses systems work, "undo computing," and what he learned from Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

I, Domestic Robot
From Communications of the ACM

I, Domestic Robot

With recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms, and open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasing domestic robots' semantic and...

Less Code Is Better Code, Says DARPA
From ACM News

Less Code Is Better Code, Says DARPA

With Cyber Fast Track, DARPA plans to hire individuals and small teams via short, fixed-price contracts to create lean code cybersecurity programs.

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases
From Communications of the ACM

Chipping Away at Greenhouse Gases

Power-saving processor algorithms have the potential to create significant energy and cost savings.

The Eyes Have It
From Communications of the ACM

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.

Eric Brewer: Change Agent
From Communications of the ACM

Eric Brewer: Change Agent

Eric Brewer's latest project involves designing and deploying low-cost wireless infrastructure in developing regions.

CS and Biology's Growing Pains
From Communications of the ACM

CS and Biology's Growing Pains

Biologists can benefit from learning and using the tools of computer science, but several real-world obstacles remain.

Exploring New Frontiers
From Communications of the ACM

Exploring New Frontiers

The Expeditions in Computing program provides scientists with the funding to work on ambitious, often multidisciplinary research.

Entering a Parallel Universe
From Communications of the ACM

Entering a Parallel Universe

The promise of parallel computing has run afoul of the harsh reality of Amdahl's Law, which puts a ceiling on the benefit of converting sequential code to parallel...

U.S. Unveils Cybersecurity Plan
From Communications of the ACM

U.S. Unveils Cybersecurity Plan

'Intent and timing' may help the federal cyberspace initiative work better than previous blueprints.

Autonomous Helicopters
From Communications of the ACM

Autonomous Helicopters

Researchers are improving unmanned helicopters' capabilities to address regulatory requirements and commercial uses.

Betting on Ideas
From Communications of the ACM

Betting on Ideas

Advanced computational models are enabling researchers to create increasingly sophisticated prediction markets.
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