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authorGregory Goth

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Pen-Based Computing: Still Looking For The Write App
From ACM News

Pen-Based Computing: Still Looking For The Write App

The sector, once popular, is searching for applications and users. 

Managing with Technology
From ACM News

Managing with Technology

Human Resources departments are taking advantage of the workforce management capabilities provided by artificial intelligence.

Seeding a Level Playing Field for 'Dr. AI'
From ACM News

Seeding a Level Playing Field for 'Dr. AI'

Algorithms must be trained on current health data to be useful.

Pair Programming Is Still Vibrant
From ACM News

Pair Programming Is Still Vibrant

The agile methodology has not grown quickly, but still has its adherents.

Fast Facial Analysis Software Set For Release
From ACM News

Fast Facial Analysis Software Set For Release

Researchers say a new facial recognition software package is fast, computationally efficient, and robust enough for state-of-the-art results.

A New 'model For Models' in Software Development Effort Estimation
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A New 'model For Models' in Software Development Effort Estimation

Researchers put forth an automatically transformed linear model as a suitable baseline model for comparison against software estimation effort models.

Bringing Big Data to the Big Tent
From Communications of the ACM

Bringing Big Data to the Big Tent

Open source tools assist data science.

Heartbleed Bug Provokes Open Source Soul-Searching
From ACM News

Heartbleed Bug Provokes Open Source Soul-Searching

Vulnerability underscored the issue of how projects like OpenSSL should be supported.

Quantum Quests
From Communications of the ACM

Quantum Quests

Three breakthrough experiments involving photons have extended coherence times and indicated scalable production.

Software on Mars
From Communications of the ACM

Software on Mars

With the AEGIS system, the Mars Exploration Rovers can autonomously select, capture, and analyze images using onboard logic.

Atomic-Level Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Atomic-Level Computing

Thanks to the University of New South Wales and IBM Research, scientists are moving closer to the junction of quantum and digital computing.

Analyzing Medical Data
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Medical Data

Electronic patient records contain a treasure trove of data, and researchers are using natural language processing technology to mine the structured data and free...

Preserving Digital Data
From Communications of the ACM

Preserving Digital Data

Scientific data is expanding at an unprecedented rate. While new tools are helping preserve this data, funding must be increased and policy coordination needs improvement...

Researchers Corral Chip Power-Performance Requirements
From ACM News

Researchers Corral Chip Power-Performance Requirements

Researchers are exploring ways to improve the energy efficiency of microprocessor hardware and software as next-generation chips and languages grow even more power...

The Science of Better Science
From Communications of the ACM

The Science of Better Science

Researchers are exploring networked computational analysis, formal classification, and topic modeling to better identify relevant scientists, ideas, and trends.

Unlimited Possibilities
From Communications of the ACM

Unlimited Possibilities

M. Frans Kaashoek discusses systems work, "undo computing," and what he learned from Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

I, Domestic Robot
From Communications of the ACM

I, Domestic Robot

With recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms, and open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasing domestic robots' semantic and...

Less Code Is Better Code, Says DARPA
From ACM News

Less Code Is Better Code, Says DARPA

With Cyber Fast Track, DARPA plans to hire individuals and small teams via short, fixed-price contracts to create lean code cybersecurity programs.

The Eyes Have It
From Communications of the ACM

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.
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