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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Japan Lab Claims Its Software Can Read Dreams
From ACM TechNews

Japan Lab Claims Its Software Can Read Dreams

Software developed by a Japanese research institute can determine what people are dreaming about by analyzing their brain waves. 

Swiss Supercomputer Aims to Predict Mountain Weather With Help of Gpus
From ACM TechNews

Swiss Supercomputer Aims to Predict Mountain Weather With Help of Gpus

The Swiss National Supercomputing Center will upgrade its supercomputer to more accurately predict the weather in the mountains of the Swiss Alps. 

Researcher: Interdependencies Could Lead to Cloud 'meltdowns'
From ACM TechNews

Researcher: Interdependencies Could Lead to Cloud 'meltdowns'

As cloud computing becomes increasingly common, serious operational "meltdowns" could take place as end users and vendors mix, match, and bundle services for various...

Activist-Backed Collaboration Platform Set for March Release
From ACM TechNews

Activist-Backed Collaboration Platform Set for March Release

A functional prototype of the Global Square, a social network collaboration platform for activists, will be available by March.  

Japan Group to Build Smart Power Grids That Treat Energy Like Network Data
From ACM TechNews

Japan Group to Build Smart Power Grids That Treat Energy Like Network Data

Japan's Digital Grid Consortium plans to develop large-scale energy grids that can handle power the way the Internet handles data, using routers and service providers...

'global Camera' Links Photos Taken By Thousands
From ACM TechNews

'global Camera' Links Photos Taken By Thousands

Cornell University professor Noah Snavely is leading an effort to develop a "global camera," software that mines pictures from Flickr and combines them to create...

From ACM TechNews

Ibm Speeds Storage With Flash: 10b Files in 43 Minutes

IBM researchers have created a data storage system that can scan 10 billion files in 43 minutes, using flash memory to store the metadata, which the storage system...

New Linux Kernel Gets a Speed Boost
From ACM TechNews

New Linux Kernel Gets a Speed Boost

Linux has announced an update to the Linux OS kernel, which includes deep changes that will enhance performance, especially for running databases and other programs...

From ACM TechNews

Wigig Fast Wireless Group Finishes Standard

A standard for a technology to deliver as much as 7 gigabits per second (Gbps) over an extremely high unlicensed frequency band has been completed by the Wireless...

From ACM TechNews

Iphone App Predicts Ipv4 Doomsday

Several companies and researchers have offered predictions for when the supply of IPv4 addresses will be exhausted. Hurricane Electric, for example, recently introduced...

From ACM TechNews

Bathrooms Become Smarter With Touch Screens

Researchers at Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems have developed a touch screen mirror that can remind people when to takeView...

From ACM TechNews

Sun, Consortium to Drive Tech Accessibility Project

Sun Microsystems is working with the European Commission-funded open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards (AEGIS) Project to improve...

From ACM TechNews

IBM Labs Promises Five Innovations

IBM researchers' list of promising new technologies includes the ability to "talk" to the Web; information collection and retrieval systems that cover us when we...
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