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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nsa Can Legally Access Metadata of 25,000 Callers Based on a Single Suspect's Phone
From ACM News

Nsa Can Legally Access Metadata of 25,000 Callers Based on a Single Suspect's Phone

Despite changes to the law, the U.S. National Security Agency can still request metadata from tens of thousands of private phones if they are indirectly connected...

The Fuzzy Logic of Fleeing For Your Life
From ACM TechNews

The Fuzzy Logic of Fleeing For Your Life

A special session at the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence Transportation Systems dealt with intelligent pedestrian traffic and evacuation dynamics.

Medical Microbots Take a Fantastic Voyage Into Reality
From ACM News

Medical Microbots Take a Fantastic Voyage Into Reality

In the 1966 film Fantastic Voyage, scientists at a U.S. laboratory shrink a submarine called Proteus and its human crew to microscopic size and then inject the...

The Highs and Hazards of Bitcoin
From ACM News

The Highs and Hazards of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the leading online alternative currency, has attracted high-minded entrepreneurs and crooks alike.

The Biometric Wallet
From ACM TechNews

The Biometric Wallet

Hitachi and Fujitsu have pioneered a new technique in which a person's vein configurations are scanned as proof of identity, and the technology is being integrated...

From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Start 3d Scanning the World

When Microsoft was developing its Kinect 3D sensor, a critical task was to calibrate its algorithms to rapidly and accurately recognize parts of the human body,...

The Future of Riots
From ACM News

The Future of Riots

On 6 August, peaceful protests over the police shooting of a local man in London's Tottenham district exploded into full-blown riots. During four days of assaults...

From ACM News

Computing the Scene of a Crime

The use of fingerprints, shoeprints, handwriting, and other forensic evidence may seem like good science—but often it's not, as it relies heavily on humans for...

From ACM News

Software Forensics Tools Enter the Courtroom

As litigation over software in the United States and elsewhere has skyrocketed, automatic software forensics tools that can quickly and accurately uncover illicit...

From ACM TechNews

Virginia Tech Is Building an Artificial America in a Supercomputer

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University researchers have created a virtual America, modeling the lives of approximately 100 million Americans, using...
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