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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

NASA's Spitzer Telescope Celebrates 10 Years in Space
From ACM News

NASA's Spitzer Telescope Celebrates 10 Years in Space

Ten years after a Delta II rocket launched NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, lighting up the night sky over Cape Canaveral, Fla., the fourth of the agency's four...

NASA Spacecraft Reactivated to Hunt for Asteroids
From ACM News

NASA Spacecraft Reactivated to Hunt for Asteroids

A NASA spacecraft that discovered and characterized tens of thousands of asteroids throughout the solar system before being placed in hibernation will return to...

Nasa Rover Gets Movie as a Mars Moon Passes Another
From ACM News

Nasa Rover Gets Movie as a Mars Moon Passes Another

The larger of the two moons of Mars, Phobos, passes directly in front of the other, Deimos, in a new series of sky-watching images from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity...

Nasa Voyager Statement About Competing Models to Explain Recent Spacecraft Data
From ACM News

Nasa Voyager Statement About Competing Models to Explain Recent Spacecraft Data

A newly published paper argues that NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has already entered interstellar space.

Jpl, Masten Testing New Precision Landing Software
From ACM News

Jpl, Masten Testing New Precision Landing Software

A year after NASA's Mars rover Curiosity's landed on Mars, engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., are testing a sophisticated flight...

If We Landed on Europa, What Would We Want to Know?
From ACM Opinion

If We Landed on Europa, What Would We Want to Know?

Most of what scientists know of Jupiter's moon Europa they have gleaned from a dozen or so close flybys from NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1979 and NASA's Galileo...

Nasa's Curiosity Nearing First Anniversary on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa's Curiosity Nearing First Anniversary on Mars

NASA's Curiosity rover will mark one year on Mars this week and has already achieved its main science goal of revealing ancient Mars could have supported life.

Curiosity Makes Its Longest One-Day Drive on Mars
From ACM News

Curiosity Makes Its Longest One-Day Drive on Mars

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drove twice as far on July 21 as on any other day of the mission so far: 109.7 yards (100.3 meters).

Reports Detail Mars Rover Clues to Atmosphere's Past
From ACM News

Reports Detail Mars Rover Clues to Atmosphere's Past

A pair of new papers report measurements of the Martian atmosphere's composition by NASA's Curiosity rover, providing evidence about loss of much of Mars' original...

How Scientists Search For Habitable Planets
From ACM News

How Scientists Search For Habitable Planets

There is only one planet we know of, so far, that is drenched with life.

Curiosity Mars Rover Passes Kilometer of Driving
From ACM News

Curiosity Mars Rover Passes Kilometer of Driving

The latest drive by NASA's Curiosity Mars rover brought the total distance that the rover has driven on Mars to more than 1 kilometer (about 0.62 mile).

Nasa's Opals to Beam Data From Space Via Laser
From ACM News

Nasa's Opals to Beam Data From Space Via Laser

NASA will use the International Space Station to test a new communications technology that could dramatically improve spacspacecraft communications, enhance commercial...

Science Team Outlines Goals for NASA's 2020 Mars Rover
From ACM News

Science Team Outlines Goals for NASA's 2020 Mars Rover

The rover NASA will send to Mars in 2020 should look for signs of past life, collect samples for possible future return to Earth, and demonstrate technology for...

Nasa Decommissions Its Galaxy Hunter Spacecraft
From ACM News

Nasa Decommissions Its Galaxy Hunter Spacecraft

NASA has turned off its Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) after a decade of operations in which the venerable space telescope used its ultraviolet vision to study...

Nasa's Voyager 1 Explores Final Frontier of Our 'solar Bubble'
From ACM News

Nasa's Voyager 1 Explores Final Frontier of Our 'solar Bubble'

Data from Voyager 1, now more than 11 billion miles (18 billion kilometers) from the sun, suggest the spacecraft is closer to becoming the first human-made object...

Billion-Pixel View of Mars Comes From Curiosity Rover
From ACM News

Billion-Pixel View of Mars Comes From Curiosity Rover

A billion-pixel view from the surface of Mars, from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, offers armchair explorers a way to examine one part of the Red Planet in great...

Nasa Announces Asteroid Grand Challenge
From ACM News

Nasa Announces Asteroid Grand Challenge

NASA announced Tuesday a Grand Challenge focused on finding all asteroid threats to human populations and knowing what to do about them.

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Sees Tornado's Destructive Swath

A new image from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft shows the extent of destruction...

Nasa's Grail Mission Solves Mystery of Moon's Surface Gravity
From ACM News

Nasa's Grail Mission Solves Mystery of Moon's Surface Gravity

NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission has uncovered the origin of massive invisible regions that make the moon's gravity uneven, a phenomenon...

Galaxies Fed By Funnels of Fuel
From ACM News

Galaxies Fed By Funnels of Fuel

Computer simulations of galaxies growing over billions of years have revealed a likely scenario for how they feed: a cosmic version of swirly straws.
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